Rye put the SUV in park and got out quickly. Max opened the passenger door, got out, and then waited on her. His hand squeezed hers as he helped her from the vehicle. She had never been as grateful for anything as she was the feel of Max’s arms around her.

“I love you, Rachel,” he whispered. He looked at her as though searching for something. “Are you sure, baby? Be sure, because this is forever.”

Rachel felt tears threatening. “I love you, Max, but I love Rye, too. Are you all right with that?”

Max’s smile held all the warmth of the sun. “Nothing could make me happier.”

He held her close, and Rachel felt something deep inside her relax. She wasn’t hurting Max.

“But, Rach, you should know, I’m the soft one when it comes to sex. Rye can be demanding.”

Rachel felt her eyes widen at that statement. Max was pretty damn demanding himself. Even as she worried a bit about that statement, Rye was proving it to be true.

“Are the two of you done cuddling?” Rye asked in a voice that reeked of authority. “I’d like to go inside and get our evening started.”

Rachel nodded and began to walk toward the door. Rye stopped her.

“We need to get a few things straight, Rachel.” Rye pulled her close to him. His blue eyes were fierce as he looked down at her. “I want you, Rachel. I love you every bit as much as Max does. If you walk through that door, you will belong to the two of us. Do you understand?”

“I understand that Max wants to marry me.” Rachel felt a perverse need to challenge him. He wanted some form of authority over her, but she wasn’t giving it to him without some assurances.

Rye’s sensual lips turned up as his hands ran down her shoulders. She shivered at the touch. “That’s one of the things that attracted me to you, Rachel. You don’t sell yourself cheaply. I want commitment from you, too. You’ll be legally married to Max because he won the coin toss, but never doubt that you’re my wife, too. Do not test me on this, Rachel. If you think Max is a possessive asshole, I have no idea what you’ll call me.”

She smiled and let her hands find his waist. She let the coin toss statement go. It didn’t matter who she legally married. “I’ll call you my possessive asshole husband.”

He leaned over and, for the first time, pressed his lips to hers. It was short and very, very sweet. “No birth control, Rachel. I want children.”

She nodded. She wanted them, too. She had never thought of it before, but now she couldn’t imagine her life without their children. They would have curly hair, with red and gold in the brown. They would run rampant across Bliss, Colorado. They would learn how to ride and live in this amazing wilderness that would be their birthright. They would have the best dads in the world.

“Will you marry me, Rachel?” Rye asked plainly.

She nodded, because her heart was far too full for speech.

“Will you marry me, Rachel? Will you be the center of our world and the mother to our children?” Max asked, coming up behind her.

She wrapped one hand behind her around Max’s waist, and she was enveloped in them. She was surrounded by the Harper twins. Their warmth and love soothed her soul like nothing had before. Rachel stilled for a moment because she knew she had finally found home.

“Yes,” she said simply.

Max kissed her cheek. Rye leaned forward and pressed his lips against her forehead.

Rye was very serious as he spoke to her. Rachel knew he had gotten the formalities out of the way. Now he was ready to get to the sex. “Rachel, do you understand what you agreed to when you put yourself up for auction?”

Her smile was all about seduction now. “Yes, Rye. I did it to tempt you and Max. I wanted to force the situation. I wanted you both.”

Max groaned behind her. “And it never occurred to you that saying ‘I want you both’ might work? We had to give Stef three thousand dollars to get us here.”

“I’m so sorry,” Rachel said, biting her bottom lip.

Rye backed up. “We’ll have the full story later, Rachel. We’ll have every story later. Now, I want you to walk through that door. Once you’re inside, you’ll be our slave. You will follow every order we give you. You will be obedient. Stef said you spent some time with Lana earlier today?”

“When you said you were with Stella?” Max asked.

There was nothing to do but nod.

“She can take her punishment,” Rye said in a voice that made Rachel’s pussy clench. She wondered exactly what he meant. “Do you understand your role, Rachel?”

“Yes, Rye.” She remembered that Lana had said she should use his name or “sir” when she spoke to him.

“Excellent,” Rye said, sounding pleased. “Go inside, take off your clothes, and assume the proper position. Max and I will be with you in a moment.”

Rachel used the key Lana had given her and practically skipped into the guesthouse. She had no real idea what they were going to do to her, but she knew she would love it. They were hers. The one thing Lana had made clear to her was that that the submissive was really the one in charge. It was her choice to play this role for them. She was more than willing to cede a little sexual power to the two men she loved more than anything. They let her run the show most of the time. She could compromise.

She tossed off her clothes because she had no idea how long they would take to follow her inside. She didn’t care if the T-shirt and jeans got wrinkled. She shoved them to the side, then walked to the center of the room. She got on her knees and settled back onto her ankles the way Lana had taught her. She placed her hands palms up on her thighs and waited patiently. It wasn’t more than a minute before the door opened, and Max and Rye walked in.

“Very nice,” Rye remarked.

She kept her eyes lowered submissively. This wasn’t something she would want to do every time they made love, but she could play the role if it made them happy.

“You’re beautiful, Rachel,” Rye said. She heard the satisfied smile in his voice.

She kept quiet, remembering Lana’s training.

“Tell me something, sweetheart,” Rye said suspicion plain in his voice. “How long have you known that you wanted the both of us? It occurs to me that you’ve been very manipulative the last week.”

“Hey—” Max attempted to defend her.

“No, Max. Think about it. She’s done everything she can to get in between us. She’s teased me for a solid seven days. I suspect she knew the effect it was having on me. I want an honest answer, Rachel.”

“I knew after Max got shot.” If they wanted the story, she would give it to them. “I’ve been planning this evening for a week. I planned the auction with Stefan.”

She heard Rye sigh. “Did he bring in the idiot brothers?”

She bit her lips and went for honesty. “Yes, the older one is an artist. I never meant for it to get so expensive.”

Max growled. “He better buy them a one-way ticket out of town, or those boys are in for the ass-kicking of a lifetime.”

Through her lashes, she saw they were efficiently getting undressed. Rye shoved his jeans off his hips. Her mouth watered as she took in the sight of Rye Harper’s enormous cock. It shot straight up his abdomen, easily reaching his navel. His cock was hard and ready. Max was ready, too, Rachel noted as he tossed his shirt aside and handily rid himself of his denims. Max’s eyes gleamed down at her as he sat back in a chair. He lounged, heedless of his nudity. His big hand stroked his cock slowly. He was just warming up. He could stroke himself for a long time.

Suddenly Rye was standing before her.

“Look up, Rachel.” His blunt tone told her everything she needed to know. He was on edge. Rachel knew she was going to have to take that edge off if she wanted the evening to go well. She’d pushed Rye hard this week, and he seemed to be feeling the effects.

Rachel obediently turned her eyes up. “Yes, Rye?”

“I like this game, Rach.” He touched her chin with his index finger. He tipped her head up so she faced him. “I learned from the best.”


His finger covered her lips. “I’ll let you know when you can talk.”

That rankled, but she kept quiet.

Rye chuckled. “I’ll pay for this later, baby. I know that. You’re not exactly a submissive girl. Play my games, and I’ll play yours. How about that?”

Rachel kept silent, but let her smile show through her eyes. Rye seemed satisfied with that.

“Now, Max, you’ve been fucking this sweet woman of ours for weeks now,” Rye started.

“Not nearly as often as I’d like,” Max replied smoothly. He looked content, to Rachel’s relief. He looked happy to be here. Any fears she had that Max didn’t want to share were gone now.

Rye just looked hungry. Rye’s entire body was coiled and ready to pounce. “How’s her mouth?”

Max groaned. The head of his cock was weeping now. “She gives amazing head. She can suck you dry. I’d fuck that mouth of hers if I were you.”

Rye took himself in hand. Suddenly that big cock of his was requesting entrance. “Open up, sweetheart.” He didn’t wait for her to comply. He teased her lips with the bulbous head of his cock.

Rachel opened and let her tongue find the little V on the underside of his dick. She lathed it with the tip of her tongue.

“Lick the head,” Rye growled.

Rachel swirled her tongue around the purple head of his cock. She could already taste the pre-cum leaking from the slit. She lapped it up and let it coat her tongue, reveling in the taste of him. She sucked just the head of him into her mouth and tugged lightly.

“Fuck this, I can’t wait.” Rye groaned as he pulled back. He wound a hand through her hair. “I’m going to fuck your mouth, sweetheart, and when you’re done sucking me dry, you’re going to crawl over to Max on your hands and knees. You’re going to suck him dry, too. We’re both going to use that pretty mouth of yours, and you won’t lose a drop of what we give you. Do you understand?”

Rachel nodded. Then Rye was slowly, steadily feeding her his hard length. She struggled to open her jaw up.

“Relax, Rachel,” he ordered as he filled her mouth. Rachel concentrated on breathing through her nose. “Use your hands to cup my balls. I like having my balls played with. Remember that.”

She reached up and gently cupped his heavy, tight sac. He groaned with pleasure and shoved another inch in. Rachel could feel him hitting the back of her throat with each little thrust. She managed to run her tongue along the underside of his dick, causing him to hiss.

“Fuck, that feels good, Rach.” The hand in her hair tightened as he picked up the pace. “Your mouth feels like heaven. Suck me hard. I’m going to come. I can’t last.”

Rachel hollowed out her cheeks and sucked his dick rhythmically. He seemed to lose control. He started to fuck her mouth hard. He pushed his dick in as he tugged on her hair, pulling her forward. She was filled with him, and Rachel gave up control, letting him use her mouth. She relaxed. He fucked his way to the back of her throat. When she felt his head bump as far as he could go, she swallowed around him. She squeezed his balls gently.

“Fuck,” Rye shouted as he started to come. Rachel felt him tense, and then she thought of nothing but swallowing the cum shooting out of his cock. She swallowed furiously, not letting an ounce go.

As he softened in her mouth, Rye continued to hold her on his dick. “Lick it all up, baby.” His voice was ragged. His hands loosened in her hair, smoothing it lovingly. When he seemed satisfied she’d taken everything he’d given her, he pulled out of her mouth with an audible pop. He tugged on her hair, forcing her to look up at him.

Rachel could tell he wasn’t anywhere close to complete satisfaction. He would want more.

“Now, before you go over there and run that hot little tongue all over Max’s cock, I want to see my pussy.”

“What?” Rachel asked. She breathed deeply, forcing the air into her lungs.

“I said I want to see my pussy. Lay back, spread your legs, and let me look at my pussy.”

“He’s not kidding, baby,” Max said with a husky laugh. “He really wants to just look at it. He’ll make you spread your legs for him at least once a day so he can look at you.”

Rye stared at her. Nothing in his gorgeous face gave her a hint that he was joking. “I’m waiting.”

Rachel nodded and got up off her knees. She sat down on the carpeted floor and slowly spread her legs. She knew she should be terribly self-conscious, but the lust and love in their eyes made her feel utterly wanton. She felt beautiful, and she wanted to share that with them.