Max steadied her against his arms. The look of love and lust in his eyes reassured her more than words could. She tensed as she felt the head of Rye’s cock start to push into her ass.

“Relax, baby,” Max whispered. “Let us take you. It’s going to be so good. You’ll be so full.”

Rye’s dick was far bigger than anything that had breached her tight hole previously. She gritted her teeth and hissed as he patiently worked his way in. The pressure burned.

“She is so fucking tight.” Rye groaned behind her. His hands gripped her hips and pulled her back with ruthless intent. “Shove back against me, baby.”

She took a deep breath, then did as he asked. Making sure to not lose Max, she carefully pushed her backside toward Rye. She gasped as she felt his cock push past her asshole, and he shouted as he breached her.

“Oh, God, Rachel, you feel so good. Do you have any idea how hot you are?” Rye sounded like a man in pain.

“I know how hot she is.” Max thrust up, and Rachel groaned. She could feel her nails digging into Max’s flesh. Max was staring over her shoulder with an impatient look on his face. “Are you ready to fuck or not?”

Rye thrust in, and she could feel his balls hit the cheeks of her ass. “Let’s ride.”

Rachel had never felt so full in her life. She could barely breathe. When Max stroked in, Rye retreated. He pulled himself almost all the way out of her sensitive ass only to tunnel ruthlessly back in. Every nerve in her body was singing. She felt like she was riding a giant wave that pushed her back and forth, but it didn’t matter because any way she went felt incredible. She felt Rye pounding into her, all delicacy gone now. Max’s hips slammed up, and his hands pulled her down at the same time. She thought she was going to faint when Max reached out and firmly stroked her clit. Rachel went flying. Anything she knew before went right out the window. This was so far past any orgasm she’d ever had. This was a bomb going off in her body. She screamed as Rye stiffened behind her. Hot cum filled her ass and then her pussy as Max gave in, too.

She fell forward into Max’s arms, his cock still tucked into her body. Rye gently pulled out of her ass and rolled to the side.

“I love you, Rachel,” he whispered. His mouth caressed her forehead.

She slipped off Max’s body and found herself nestled in between them. She laid her head down on Max’s chest. Rye’s arm slipped around her waist.

“I love you,” she replied sleepily. Her body still hummed. “I love you both.”

She fell asleep feeling safer than she ever had before.

* * *

Deep in the night, Tommy Lane watched the three lovers cavort in a hot tub. If he thought he could get away with it, he would march across the yard and drive a knife into all three of their hearts.

What a whore she had turned out to be, Tommy fumed. He had to take a deep breath before he pulled the binoculars back up to his face. She held out on him, but she gave it up for two brothers. It was disgusting. It had been bad when he thought she was fucking around with one of the twins. Now he could see what a piece of trash she was.

They passed her between them like a toy they were playing with. It made him sick. Liz, that slut, was laughing and kissing them in turn. She was such an idiot. They were just screwing around with her. Those two cowboys would kick her to the curb when they were finished because that was what you did with a piece of garbage.

He would have treated her right. Women couldn’t see a good thing when it stood in front of them. But he would show her. He would stand in front of her, and he would show her the mistake she had made. She would beg him for forgiveness before she died.

Liz’s laughter rang across the yard. It made his hands twitch. He wanted them wrapped around the bitch’s throat. He wanted to watch her cry and plead. He wanted to see that moment when she realized he had no mercy. That was the moment he was waiting for. It was the moment when he would feel like the king of the world.

She threw her head back. It was obvious she was fucking one of the brothers. The other one sat back and watched.

Tommy threw the binoculars down and barely contained his scream of rage.

He wouldn’t watch any more. He turned to walk back through the woods. He hated this fucking place. It was full of weirdoes and perverts. He stalked back to where he had left his truck, thinking about how she had made it here.

He’d tracked her to San Diego roughly six months before. Before he started dating a woman, he always did his research. It was best to go into a situation with the upper hand from the get-go. Before he even met her, he’d known where she worked, where she lived, how many parking tickets she had, and who she hung out with. He had certainly checked on her family. The fact that she didn’t have parents or siblings to deal with had made her all the more appealing to Tommy. Liz Courtney had one relative in the world, an elderly aunt. He knew from her coworkers that Liz contacted her once a week. He couldn’t imagine Liz dumping old Auntie Sadie just because she was on the run. It was just a matter of time before she showed up there. Especially after the old girl fell down some stairs and died. He grinned in the darkness, remembering how the old lady had begged him to call an ambulance. She’d been a tough old broad, but they all died in the end.

He’d been waiting when Liz showed up to say goodbye to her last relative. At the time, her hair had been auburn, but he’d known it was her right away. She couldn’t hide from him. But she’d slipped through his fingers. She was quicker and more attentive than he’d expected her to be. She must have caught sight of him watching her at the funeral home. He’d waited, but she’d never come back out. Somehow she’d gotten past him, and by the time he saw her sedan flying down the road, it was far too late. She’d changed her name again.

Tommy got into his truck and started the engine. He’d been a little more creative this time. It hadn’t taken a genius to know that Liz had help running. She wasn’t smart enough to do it on her own. One of his cop buddies remembered that the nurse on Liz’s floor had lost her daughter years before. All it took was simple surveillance to discover she was quite the little helper of “downtrodden women.” Once he knew who her source was for fake IDs, it had been simple to ferret out what names Liz would use. He’d started looking for Shannon Matthews and Rachel Swift immediately.

He couldn’t believe it when he heard someone from a podunk Colorado town was looking for information on one Rachel Swift. The cop community was small, and despite the internal affairs investigations into him, Tommy maintained his friendships. It served him well, as he’d found her and intended to take care of the problem once and for all.

Tommy thought about those damn brothers as he turned his car toward their ranch. It was obvious they were holed up with Liz for the night at the rich guy’s place. Tomorrow they would come home, and Tommy would have a surprise waiting for them. He wouldn’t underestimate any of them this time. Shooting the first brother hadn’t worked. Making sure Liz’s tire blew out hadn’t worked, either. He’d gotten there moments too late. When he’d chased after her, she’d managed to find some idiot with a flipping AK-47. He shook his head. The whole town was freaking nuts, and he was pretty sure they all had guns.

It didn’t matter. After tomorrow, Liz would be dead. Those brothers would be gone, too. They should enjoy the night together. It would be their last.

Chapter Fifteen

Rachel woke up to the sound of shouting. She tried to snuggle back under the warmth of the comforter but was disconcerted to find herself alone. When she’d been allowed to sleep, she’d slept wrapped in their arms. Rachel was rapidly getting used to cuddling.

“Fuck you, Stef!” Max yelled. His voice pulled her roughly from her attempt to get back to sleep.

“I can’t believe you’re yelling at me.” Stefan’s voice was calmer than Max’s, but it rang across the yard all the same. “You got exactly what you wanted.”

Rachel opened her eyes and saw Rye kneeling on the bed. He was looking out the window behind the big king-sized four-poster bed. “Is Max making an ass of himself?” Her voice was husky with sleep. It was fitting. She hadn’t gotten much sleep last night. Max and Rye had been incredibly demanding. She was sore, but she already felt her body heating up at the sight of Rye’s gorgeous backside. He hadn’t bothered with clothes.

“I think this is going to be a spectacular scene, darlin’.” He reached down and helped her up. “Really, you shouldn’t miss it.”

Rachel rubbed her eyes and watched as Max stalked after their host. Stefan was already a vision of elegant masculinity in a dress shirt, slacks, and shoes that were probably worth a fortune. Max, on the other hand, only had on a worn pair of Levi’s. His hair was slightly unkempt. His six-pack was on heart-stopping display. He looked delicious.

“You manipulative son of a bitch,” Max growled. “How dare you go behind my back and talk my woman into doing something as stupid as auctioning herself off in front of the whole town!”

“I didn’t think it was stupid,” Rachel muttered.

Rye patted her ass comfortingly. “I thought it was a brilliant plan.”

She smiled, remembering how pissed he’d been at the time. One night of incredibly indulgent sex seemed to have done wonders for Rye’s mood. She filed that information away for future reference. When Rye got upset with her, she’d take him to the bedroom and end the argument.

“How do you know it wasn’t Rachel’s idea in the first place?” Stefan crossed his arms over his chest. His handsome face was contorted into an expression that conveyed his general annoyance.

“Because she is a sweet girl,” Max proclaimed righteously. “She is just a little naïve. You used her.”

Rachel shook her head. “Naïve?”

Rye shrugged. “I was going to take issue with sweet.”

She elbowed him playfully.

“I want my three thousand dollars back,” Max shouted.

Even from a distance, Rachel could see Stefan rolling his eyes. “You cheap son of a bitch. You think I don’t know how much you have in the bank? You might not be rich, but you’re not going to starve. That money went to charity. You’re not getting it back. Besides, you only chipped in a grand. I hope Rye got two-thirds of the sex last night.”

Max stood his ground. His body was tense, and he looked ready to attack. “You tell me something, Stef. Did you or did you not bring in those dumbass boys to drive her price up and make me crazy?”

A little wicked grin flashed on the artist’s face before he became serious again. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“You know exactly what I’m talking about. Did you bring those boys to town to ogle my wife and milk me for cash? They were talking about my sister, you know.”

Stef held his hands out as though to placate the beast he found himself with. Rachel thought he should have brought out a chair and maybe a whip. “I would never let Bay and Shane anywhere near Brooke. Brooke would eat them alive, and Bay is too talented an artist to die. Seriously, I’ve just started collecting him. His stuff is going to be worth millions one day. I don’t want Brooke to screw that up.”

“Shit. He shouldn’t have done that.” Rye sighed like the outcome was now inevitable. Rachel felt his hands wrap around her waist.

Max practically vibrated with rage. “Asshole! That’s exactly what you did. I bet you gave them the cash they bid with. Those cowboys couldn’t afford two grand.”

Stefan gave it up and began laughing loudly. “That asshole cowboy is who the grant is for. He’s a sculptor. He applied for the Foundation grant this year. You paid three thousand dollars for a woman who already wanted you, and one of the guys you were trying to keep her away from is getting the money.”

Rye pulled her away from the window. Rachel found herself flat on her back, legs spread, with Rye’s face nuzzling her neck. “They’ll be at it for a while, baby. We’ll have to find something to occupy our time while they beat each other down.”

“I’m gonna kill you this time, Stef!”

Rachel tried to get up, but Rye held her down. “Don’t you think we should stop that?” Rachel asked.

“Hey! Not my hands,” Stefan was screaming back at Max. “Or my face!” There was a loud groan as someone got smacked.

Rye seemed blissfully unconcerned. “Nah. They do this at least once a year. I think they both have an inner need to kick some ass, and this way no one really gets hurt. I mean, at least Max doesn’t get hurt. Usually.” Rye continued kissing her neck as his hard cock found her pussy. He entered her with one long thrust.