Max smiled up at her, a wide grin that made his eyes sparkle. He looked more approachable when he smiled like that. “That’s great, Rachel. What kind of horse did you train on?”

“Oh, I’ve never ridden a horse,” she blurted out without thinking.

Max’s smile turned distinctly seductive. “Then what type of riding were we talking about, darlin’?”

Rachel swallowed and sought an easy way out. She couldn’t do this with him. As gorgeous as he was, she couldn’t flirt and pretend that she was this carefree girl. She must never, never forget what was at stake.

“I have to get back to work.” She turned away from the hottest man she’d ever met. She walked back to the counter, where Stella was talking to Mel Hughes, the resident conspiracy nut. He lived in a small cabin up the mountain but made the trek almost daily to sit at the diner’s counter and visit with Stella. He was completely insane but harmless, Rachel had discovered. He also made the prettiest pottery. Rachel had admired it when she walked through the town’s galleries.

“But, Stella, when I left the house I checked the time,” Mel insisted. “It was 10:21. When I got to the car, it was 10:35. It does not take me fourteen minutes to get to the car. They took me, I tell you.”

Stella looked sympathetic. “Oh, hon, that wasn’t an alien abduction. You just can’t set your clocks right. I’ll come up to your place and make sure all your clocks are in sync, all right?”

Mel leaned in, his voice low and trembling. “Then how do you explain the fact that my backside is very sore in an intimate place? I think they probed me, Stella.”

Rachel fought hard not to giggle. She knew exactly what Stella was about to say. They had this little discussion every couple of days. She walked to the counter and opened the bakery plate.

“They didn’t probe you,” Stella assured him, patting his arm. “You just eat bacon on everything. You need some fiber. Rachel?”

Rachel reached to pass her a bran muffin on a clean plate. She glanced out over the dining room. The muffin fell off the plate as she was completely shocked to see Max Harper talking to a perfect replica of himself.

“Oh my God,” she said in utter horror. “There’s two of him.”

Without missing a beat, Stella got a new muffin. She looked cheery as she followed Rachel’s sight line. “Don’t worry about it, hon. You won’t have to pick. The rumor is they like to share.”

“Not helpful,” Rachel said in a daze. It wasn’t helpful at all.

* * *

“Hey, bro,” a familiar voice said. Max looked up and saw Rye walking in. He nodded and winked at a couple of the regulars before turning a chair around to straddle it with his long legs. He was wearing his sheriff’s uniform and requisite Stetson. Max’s twin politely took his hat off and set it to the side.

“How was Colorado Springs?” Max asked. He wished Rye was still there. He hadn’t expected his brother back for another two days. He’d been attending training sessions at some bigwig crime-fighter convention.

“Boring.” Rye leaned forward and stole a fry. “I could barely stay awake during the lectures on the new traffic laws. Seriously, couldn’t they just give me a pamphlet or something? Three hours of some DPS dude droning on just about killed me. You gonna eat that?” Rye reached out and grabbed the burger. It was halfway down his throat before Max could give his assent.

“Feel free,” Max told his baby brother. “Baby brother” was a misnomer. Rye was exactly two and a half minutes younger than Max, but he was never allowed to forget it. Max pushed the plate toward Rye. He didn’t care about the burger. He was still thinking about Rachel.

He’d come on too strong. He should have known better. He should have taken it easier. She was nervous around him, and he’d come on to her like a horny bull. He’d been very careful around Rachel Swift up to this point. For two whole weeks, he’d watched his temper around her. He’d been excruciatingly polite to everyone in her vicinity. It hadn’t been all that hard. His anger issues seemed to take a nosedive when Rachel’s sweet face was around.

Rye continued talking about something to do with his job. Max just nodded and kept his eyes discreetly on Rachel.

He watched her awkwardly step around the counter, obviously still disturbed by their conversation. He hadn’t been able to help himself. He needed to make sure she was aware of him. Well, she was definitely aware. Max let his fingers drum against the table. It wasn’t that she was uninterested. Max was experienced enough to know when a woman was intrigued. Rachel was curious about him. She was just nervous. He was a big guy with a bad rep and an even worse temper. He had to show her he could control himself around her.

He thought back to that first day and couldn’t help the smile that came with the memory. She’d been nervous that day, too. She’d dropped a plate and looked surprised Stella hadn’t fired her on the spot. Max could have told her Stella was very patient with the strays she took in. Max might fight with Stella from time to time, but he respected the lady. She was good people.

Rachel had looked grateful to have a job. She’d cleaned up the mess and come to his table. She’d carefully taken his order, writing everything he said down on her little pad. She’d chewed on that bottom lip of hers. God, he loved her lips. They were perfect and pouty, and his dick would look so good between them.

Max took a long drink of cold Coke and told himself to settle down. He had been walking around in a permanent state of erection ever since Rachel Swift had walked up to his table and asked him sweetly if there was anything she could do for him.

She could lie down beneath him and spread her legs, that’s what she could do. She could spread those pretty, petite legs of hers and show him her pussy. He’d stare at it for a while because there was just nothing more beautiful than a ripe and ready pussy. He’d lie on his stomach and arrange her legs over his shoulders and make a meal of her. Rye would watch…

Damn it. He had to get that out of his head. His hands fisted in frustration. They weren’t doing that anymore. They were going to be perfectly normal from now on. They weren’t going to scare off good prospects with their perverse needs. It had been a year since the last time they had played out their ménage fantasies. Rye had tried dating without him. He’d seen some girl from Creede for a while, but broke it off. Max hadn’t dated at all. He’d buried himself in work. Rachel was the first girl to catch Max’s interest.

Don’t you fool yourself. You aren’t interested in Rachel. You’re half in love with her. For the first time in his thirty-one years, he was falling in love.

“Are you even listening to me, Max?” Rye’s voice cut through Max’s thoughts. “And what the hell is going on around here? This burger is actually edible. It’s nice and juicy. What’s wrong with this picture?”

This was why he wished Rye was still far, far away. Max tried hard not to flush. He needed to play this very cool. “They just got the order wrong. It’s no big deal.”

Rye’s mouth hung open for a minute. “Do we need to call in a doctor? Wait a minute. Is Stella still alive, or did you stuff her body in the trash compactor? I have ways of finding out these things, you know.”

Max pointed to the counter. “Stella’s alive and well and trying to talk Mel out of his latest paranoid fantasy.”

It was a mistake. Max realized it the moment he said it. Rachel stood right beside her boss. Those big green eyes were even bigger than usual as she stared at the two of them. For a moment, she looked like a kid who’d found the last cupcake on the planet. Then she obviously realized they were looking back because she suddenly looked intently interested in wiping down the counter.

Max turned to his brother, and sure enough, Rye’s face had gone slack. “No,” Max said. He set his jaw stubbornly. “I saw her first.”

Rye didn’t bother to look back at his brother. He just stared at the beauty with strawberry blonde hair. “But I saw her best, Max. You got a date with her, yet?”

“No, I’m working my way up to it,” Max explained, trying to salvage the situation. “There’s something up with her. She’s very nervous.”

Rye’s smile was brimming with self-assurance as he stood up and straightened his jacket. “You make a lot of women nervous, Max. Watch how it’s done, Big Brother.”

“Damn it, Rye.” But his twin was already making his way to the counter. Max stood up and followed. He was going to beat the crap out of the town sheriff if he scared Rachel off.

“Hello there, sweetheart.” Rye poured on the charm.

Stella snorted and muttered something under her breath before walking off to check the kitchen.

Max watched as Rachel really looked at his brother for the first time. He noticed her mouth tighten as she took in his uniform. It was another clue. He’d wondered if she was running from something. She had that look. He needed to make her comfortable, and then she would tell him what was wrong. He’d fix it, and they could have raucous sex to celebrate her freedom from whatever was bugging her. That was his plan. Now his brother was fucking up his perfectly fine plan.

“What can I get for you, Officer?” Rachel pulled out her ever-present notepad and a little pen. She was very professional.

Rye was not. “Oh, I think I can come up with a few things you could get me. How about your phone number? That way I can call you, and we can plan out our date.”

Max was satisfied when Rachel looked completely unmoved by his brother’s charm. “I don’t have a phone.”

Rye’s eyebrows shot up. “What do you mean you don’t have a phone? Everybody’s got a phone, darlin’. Most people have at least two.”

“I don’t have one,” she said dully. Max didn’t like the look in her eyes. It was like all the life in them had fled at the sight of Rye’s badge. “Is that a crime, Officer?”

“It’s Sheriff.” Now Rye’s voice held a little uncertainty. Max knew it had been a long time since a girl turned down Sheriff Ryan Harper. Max watched as the doubt in Rye’s face dissolved, and he gave her his high-wattage grin. “My name is Ryan Harper, but everyone calls me Rye. I see you’ve met my brother.”

She nodded at Max, but it was a polite thing. It held none of the shy curiosity from before. He was going to bash his brother’s skull in.

“Is there anything you wanted from the kitchen, Sheriff Harper?” Rachel asked. “I have other customers waiting.”

Rye scratched his head, and Max saw the moment he decided to retreat. “No, darlin’. I just wanted to say hello. It was nice to meet you.” His eyes flashed to her name tag. “Rachel. If you have any trouble, you give me a call, okay?”

Max followed Rye back to the table, where he sat down. His brother looked thoughtful as he munched on the burger he’d stolen. Max ate the fries as he waited for Rye’s brain to work through the problem.

“That girl’s in trouble, bro,” Rye finally said.

“No shit, Sherlock.” Max was damn glad there weren’t many crimes to solve in Bliss.

“Damn.” Rye sighed. “I hate it when I have to arrest someone that fine.”

Max tried to pin his brother with his most intimidating stare. “You are not arresting her, you understand me? If she’s done something, then I’ll take care of it. How bad could it possibly be? She can’t weigh more than 110 pounds. I don’t see her committing a bunch of violent crimes at her size.”

“Yeah.” Rye stared at Rachel as she took orders from a table of tourists. “She’s really pretty, but she could use a couple of decent meals.”

“You should have seen her two weeks ago.”

She’d been sickly thin. At first, Max wondered if she was one of those girls who eschewed food in order to look as skinny as possible. Her first break had set that out of his mind. Waitresses at Stella’s ate for free one meal per shift. Rachel had inhaled a chicken salad sandwich and a bowl of vegetable soup. She’d practically cried when Stella set a piece of chocolate pie in front of her. He’d wanted to scoop her up, take her back to the house, and make sure she never missed another meal again.

“She’s running then?” Rye asked.

“I think so.” Max could use his brother’s help on that part. Rye had resources that Max didn’t. If Rachel was on the run from something, it would be good to know what might come after her.

Rye nodded. “I’ll see what I can turn up. You really like this girl?”

“I do,” Max said quietly. It was odd to think about seeing a woman without Rye. Rachel was special, though. He had to see where it was going.