“How do you know what it means to her?” I ask incredulously.

“Weren’t you listening to what she said? She was talking about running the bakery, her aunt, and the amazing cakes she makes. I’ve tasted them, so has Ivy. She was totally engrossed in the conversation, offering Marina all sorts of marketing ideas to try.” Archer shakes his head. “Are you oblivious or what?”

I look at Marina and all I can think about is the next time I can get her naked. I guess . . . I was tuning her out like a self-absorbed asshole.

“I’m going back in there and asking her what she wants to talk about. I’m not in the mood for a bunch of pussyfooting anymore. I’m too damn curious,” Archer finally says, starting to head back to the front of the building.

I walk with him, the both of us striding side by side toward the restaurant entrance. “Come on. Let her segue into it on her own. I think she just needs to build up her courage.”

“She’s having fun with Ivy, and she’s probably had a little bit too much to drink. I think it’s time for Marina to grow a pair and tell me what’s up.” Archer throws open the door, and I follow him in, wondering at his change of mood.

He’s never been the most patient person. While I have no problem lying in wait, calculating my every move. Whether in business or personal matters, Archer gets too antsy.

“Give her time, damn it,” I mutter, earning a hard glare from Archer.

“Why are you so protective of her, huh? You’ve only known her a few days. What gives?”

I care for her. It’s the stupidest thing ever, but I do. I like her. A lot. The more I think about Archer’s leasing suggestion, the more I believe it could be the solution to the problem hovering over us. “I—”

“You like her,” Archer says again, not sounding surprised. “A lot. I get it, man. Sometimes when it happens, it takes a while like it did for Ivy and me. Other times, it happens so fast you just know.”

“I just know what?”

“You know you’re in love with her.”

I scoff. “I am not in love with her,” I say emphatically. “I’ve known her a week.”

“You have feelings for her, then.” Archer grimaces. “Christ, listen to me. I’ve turned into Oprah.”

“I blame Ivy,” I say with a grin, though deep inside my stomach is knotted, my head spinning. Fine. I like Marina. A lot. I’m not in love with her. Not . . .


I banish the thought.

“Be honest with her.” Archer stabs his finger into my chest, making me wince. “If I can give you any advice, it’s to tell her the truth. Be up-front. Let her know about the real estate deal. Tell her you want her help in getting to talk to her father.”

“I sort of already did,” I say, rubbing at my chest where he poked me. Damn, that hurt.

He’s right though. I don’t have to take the bakery away from her. I don’t want to. If it means that much to her, I’m sure we could work something out. I could lease the building back to her and her aunt and they could keep Autumn Harvest open. Keep the business in the family.

That’s a freaking great idea.

“Great. Good. You’re on the right path.” Archer exhales loudly. “It’s just . . . I like seeing the two of you together. Don’t make fun of my ass, but you seem really happy with her. You’re always so wrapped up in your work. It’s nice to see you let loose and have fun.”

I run my hand across the back of my neck, contemplating his words. “You’re not saying this because of that stupid bet we made, are you?”

He rolls his eyes. “I already lost that fucker and you know it. Why would I want to sabotage your ass? I have no stake in it. This is between you and Matt.”

“I haven’t seen him in—forever.” Matt’s busy getting his new winery ready for its grand opening.

“Ivy’s with him a lot lately since she’s been working on the interiors. Ask her how he’s doing.” Archer smiles.

We head back to the private dining room. “What’s up with the shit-eating grin?”

Archer shrugs. “Ivy thinks Matt’s assistant has a major crush on him. He ignores her. I think it makes her want him more.”

“Who the hell would have a crush on Matt DeLuca?” I ask indignantly. Only the majority of the female population in California, let alone the entire United States. Back in the day, he’d been the star pitcher for the San Francisco Giants. Until a major knee injury put him into early retirement. Thank Christ for lucrative investments and endorsements. The guy sits on pile of gold bricks, he’s so damn rich.

Huh. There’s another reason why I’m not looking for a serious relationship. I don’t want Matt to win this stupid bet. But is that good enough reason to not want to pursue something more with Marina? So I can beat Matt in a million-dollar bet?

Shit. Am I really considering if Marina is worth more than a million dollars?

You are . . .

Archer’s out of the running with our bet. I’m close to being out without even realizing it. So that leaves Matt the winner?

Unless he finds himself attached as well in the next few weeks, months. Whatever. Then we’d have to call it a draw.

“You should have Ivy do some matchmaking,” I suggest casually, knowing Archer will see right through me.

“Good idea.” Archer nods as we stop at the open door of our dining room. “I’ll talk to Ivy. She can work some magic and hook them up.”

“And then I’m off the hook,” I finish, making Archer grin.

We enter the private dining room chuckling, Ivy and Marina silent as we resume our seats. “You two okay?” Ivy asks pointedly.

I slip my arm around the back of Marina’s chair, stroking her shoulder with the tips of my fingers. “We’re great. How are you two?”

Marina turns to look at me, her expression full of confusion. “I thought you were arguing or something.”

“I was just trying to set his ass straight,” Archer pipes up. I send him a hard stare. Wish he would shut the fuck up.

“So Marina, why don’t we discuss whatever it is you wanted to talk about with me?”

She fidgets in her chair, glancing down for a moment and breathing deep, as if for courage before she lifts her head, her gaze meeting Archer’s. “You want to talk about it now?”

“Now is as good a time as any,” he says with a shrug.

“Okay.” She rests her hands on the table, her fingers plucking nervously at the pale blue tablecloth. “Like I was saying earlier, my aunt Gina makes amazing cakes.”

“They are amazing,” Archer agrees. “I can personally vouch for that.”

She smiles. “Thank you. I’ll let her know. Well, I wanted to see if you were interested in featuring her cakes at the restaurants within your hotels.”

Archer studies her, doesn’t say a word. He’s thinking, I can practically see the wheels turning in his brain, but his silence is making Marina uncomfortable. “I like this idea,” he finally says with a small nod.

“You do?” Marina sounds so hopeful I can practically feel the excitement vibrating off her.

“I do. We can call the cakes ‘decadent desserts’ or something along those lines. Our resorts have an almost . . . hedonistic quality to them.” Archer smiles. “You and Gage should stay there sometime.”

Very funny, motherfucker.

“Gina is a creative genius. Not only do her desserts and muffins taste amazing, but they’re beautiful. Like little pieces of edible art.”

“Hmm.” Archer taps his finger against his pursed lips, then reaches inside his pocket and pulls out his cell phone, bringing up his calendar. “Can you meet with me on Monday? Come up with a written proposal, exactly what you want to provide, and I’ll consult with my restaurant managers, see if they’re on board.”

Marina’s mouth is hanging open. She looks totally shocked. “Are you serious?” she asks breathlessly.

“Absolutely. I was just telling Ivy how I wanted to stop by your bakery soon so I could get a cake. I have a not-so-secret sweet tooth and so does Ivy. Occasionally we indulge. And your aunt is amazing.” Archer smiles. “I’d be honored if I could feature her at the restaurant. There will be some kinks to work out, but I know we can make it happen if you’re both patient.”

Marina pushes out of her chair and goes to Archer, throwing her arms around him and hugging him so tight, I’m afraid her cleavage is going to strangle him. I refuse to get jealous. She’s so happy I can’t begrudge her or her happiness. Ivy’s laughter indicates she feels the same way.

“Thank you, thank you,” Marina says, jumping away from him, the smile on her face saying it all. “We’ll make this happen. I promise. You won’t regret it.”

“I know I won’t,” Archer says, smiling at her in return before he levels his gaze on me. “Hope everything works out for you and the bakery. If anything, your aunt could come and work for me if Autumn Harvest ends up getting shut down.”

That fucking prick. I can’t believe he would say that to her.

“Um, I’m hoping we can make it work, but I appreciate you offering a job to Gina. I know she would appreciate it too.” Marina smiles, though some of the light has dimmed. “Thanks, Archer.” The excitement has left her voice. She sounds disappointed and she glances down at the table.

Damn my friend for putting her on top of the world and then knocking her right off with a few choice words.

“Why would you say that to her?” Ivy slaps his arm, hard. “You give her good news only to bring her crashing down with bad stuff.”

“Hey, I’d hire Marina too.” Archer flashes her a smile, which Marina returns, but it doesn’t quite light up her eyes.

Jerk. Thank God my sister spoke up. He’s as bad as me, saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.

Hearing his offer makes me want to help her keep the bakery now more than ever. If I get my hands on those buildings, there is no doubt in my mind I will make that bakery hers. She can fight me all she wants, but I won’t take no for an answer.

I want to do right by her. It’s the least I can do.

Chapter Eleven


“I’M NERVOUS.” I tap my fingers against the steering wheel, nodding my head to the music playing on the radio.

Marina reaches over and grabs my hand, squeezing quickly before she releases it. “Don’t be. He’s going to love you. Maybe.”

Ha. How honest of her. The “he” she’s referring to is her father. The man I’ve been trying to see for months so I can make an offer hopefully he can’t refuse. Scott Knight has avoided me. Yeah, I know he’s been out of town a lot, but the least he could do is take my calls.

Now he has no choice. I’m going to dinner tonight with Marina at her house and meeting the parents. A big step for me, one I rarely make, but we’ve been seeing each other for over a month. Hopefully, Scott and I can discuss the real estate deal further. Maybe.

Funny how once I got involved with his daughter, that deal isn’t as important to me anymore.

“I’m pretty sure your dad hates me,” I say, because it’s true. The guy must despise me. He’s avoided me because he doesn’t want to make the deal. Now he probably hates the fact I’m with his daughter. His only child. God, I’d hate me if I were him.

Could I sound any more ridiculous? I’m anxious as fuck and acting like an idiot.

She doesn’t say a word in response to my dumb statement. Just sits in the passenger seat of my car with that blissed-out expression on her face. The one that says I just got laid, which she did since we had sex right before we left.

I frown. Hope her parents won’t know that look. They might want to kill me for touching their baby girl.

“Stop frowning.” She leans over the center console and gives me a soft kiss on the lips—while I’m driving. Thank God the road is pretty empty because I swerve a little when that sweet mouth brushes against mine. “You worry too much.”

Ha. I don’t worry enough. I’ve been letting myself forget everything and just enjoying my time with Marina. If we’re not working, we’re together. And lately, I’m not working much at all, which means . . .

“Turn here,” she instructs as she points her finger, breaking my train of thought, and I hit the brakes to slow down, turning right onto a long, tree-lined driveway. It seems to go on for miles and my stomach cramps with nerves at the thought of coming face-to-face with Scott Knight. I haven’t met a woman’s family as her boyfriend since I don’t know when. Ever?

This fact should make me feel like a twenty-eight-year-old loser, but damn it, I haven’t found the right woman yet. As crazy as it sounds, in the little time we’ve known each other, I’m starting to think she’s it. She’s the one. Marina.