Transformed Into The Frenchman’s Mistress
Barbara Dunlop - Transformed Into The Frenchman’s Mistress краткое содержание
Transformed Into The Frenchman’s Mistress - описание и краткое содержание, автор Barbara Dunlop, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки LadyLit.ru (ЛедиЛит).
If there was anything Charlotte Hudson had learned in her twenty-five years, it was how to be proper. So how had the ambassador’s granddaughter ended up on a wild movie assignment, ensconced in a centuries-old Provençal castle with notorious French playboy Alec Montcalm? While her relatives from Hudson Pictures were busy filming at Chateau Montcalm, the real drama was going on behind the antique wooden doors – beneath satin sheets. Charlotte knew their crazy, scandalous secret liaison wouldn’t last. And then she discovered she was pregnant.
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Transformed Into The Frenchman’s Mistress - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Barbara Dunlop
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Barbara Dunlop
Barbara Dunlop - все книги автора в одном месте читать по порядку полные версии на сайте онлайн библиотеки LadyLit.ru (ЛедиЛит).
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