Kerry listened with an expressionless face, then hit the Delete key with a savage stab.
The remaining four messages were: one from Colleen, two from Susan, and a fourth from Ray, wanting her to go out tonight to the Grove. A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts, though, and she turned. “C’mon in.”
The door fairly exploded open, and Colleen came bounding in, dressed in her skating gear and covered with a thin sheen of sweat. “You’re back!”
Kerry held out her arms and looked down at herself. “Looks like it, yep,”
she agreed. “What’s up?”
“Wait, I’ve got a box for you,” Colleen said. “I’ll be right back.”
She bounded out, reminding Kerry vaguely of Tigger. She was left in quiet for a moment, then the redhead stumbled back in, tugging a large cardboard box behind her.
“This came today. I happened to be here when the Oops man showed up.
I signed for it. It’s from Orlando.”
“Slow down, Col.” Kerry laughed as she moved forward to help her friend with the large package. “What on earth is this? I didn’t order…” She fell silent and opened the top of the box, pulling back the flap and exposing something plush and golden. “…anything,” she finished, reaching in and pulling out a huge, smiling stuffed Winnie the Pooh, his arms spread, just waiting for a hug. “Oh.”
Colleen watched her with a puzzled look. “You didn’t order this? It’s cute as hell, Ker…and I know you love Pooh. You’ve got all those damn figurines, and that honey cookie jar in the kitchen.”
Kerry pulled the stuffed bear closer and sniffed, then put it up against her face and breathed in. A slow, delighted smile crossed her face. “Um. No, I didn’t order it. I…” She glanced in the box and saw a little card with a mouse on the front. She picked it up and opened it. “Thanks for a job well done.” It was unsigned, but it didn’t have to be. “It’s from Dar,” she told Colleen, handing her the card. “I did a presentation today and it helped us win the bid.” Colleen’s jaw dropped, and she held the card as though it were a small thermonuclear device. “Holy shit!” she squeaked, looking at Kerry in disbelief. “This is from Popsicle Woman?”
Kerry gently smoothed Pooh’s eyebrows down and smiled back into his smiling face. “Yep.” She picked up the bear and hugged it gently, reveling in the lingering scent of Dar’s perfume that clung to its soft fur.
Colleen watched her for a minute, then put a hand on her friend’s arm, her freckled face suddenly serious. “Kerry?”
“Hmm?” The sea green eyes glanced up in question. “Oh, sorry.” Kerry released the bear, then set him down on the couch. “I love Pooh…and it’s so soft. Did you feel the fur?”
“What’s going on with you?” her friend asked softly.
“With me? Nothing, why?” Kerry asked, but she averted her eyes. “That Tropical Storm 217
was nice of Dar. I’ll have to remember to thank her.” She felt Colleen take her arm and allowed herself to be seated on the couch, next to the bear. “It was an interesting couple of days. We got to see a few of the parks, and I got to see my first bidding war.”
“Uh huh.” Colleen still studied her. “You two spend a lot of time together?”
Kerry knew where this was going, and she sighed inwardly. “Just about every minute, yes.” She finally looked back up at Colleen. “And I had a really good time. We actually got kind of friendly.”
A faint smile edged Colleen’s lips. “Kind of?” She put a hand on Kerry’s arm and rubbed it. “I’m thinking it’s a little more than that, kiddo.”
Kerry felt a deep blush rising and she paused, trying to find words to refute what Colleen was suggesting. She knew there were none, not really, not unless she wanted to lie to her friend. So she shrugged a little at her. “We both had a good time, Colleen. We found out we like…spending time together.
That’s all there is, really. I mean…Jesus, she’s my boss, remember?” She felt a little defensive. “It was just, I don’t know, things kind of clicked between us.
She’s really a lot of fun when she lets all those prickles down, and…and, damn it, I like her.”
“Shhh. Okay, okay.” Colleen patted her arm. “I believe you, Ker. Take it easy. If anything, it shows just how perceptive you have to have been. I wouldn’t have guessed she had a nice bone in her body.”
“Well, she does.” Kerry’s brow puckered. “You have to dig for it, and she doesn’t give it up easily, but it’s there.” She glanced up. “Hey, you’re going to be at the Global Day tomorrow, right?”
Colleen nodded. “Yeppers. About two dozen of us’ll be there. Why?”
Kerry nodded. “Dar’s going to be there from our group. I’ll introduce you. You’ll see, Colleen, she’s not that bad, honest.” Unconsciously, she reached out with one hand and stroked the bear.
Colleen gave her a look. “All right, I’ll take your word for it.” She shifted her gaze to the huge stuffed animal. “I can’t argue with this.” She could sense Kerry was still uncomfortable discussing her new friend, though, so she changed the subject. “Did your folks calm down any?”
Kerry was grateful for the shift in focus, even though it was a depressing one. “God, no. They’re making plans for me to come home. I’ve got to try and think of a way to get them to back off, before I end up in ruffles attending some rubber-chicken banquet in Michigan.”
“Mmm. So, what else did you get?” Colleen resolutely pushed her worries out of her mind. “I see bags.”
The blonde woman smiled. “Oh god, wait. I brought you back some of the best chocolate. Here.” She dug out her large-handled bag and began showing off her purchases. “Try this fudge.”
“Mmm.” Colleen nibbled appreciatively as she peered at the brochures her friend had brought back. She held up the picture of the Grand Floridian.
“Is this where you stayed?” “Wow. Must be niiiicce.”
“Oh yeah.” Kerry grinned. “They had the best banana-stuffed French toast for breakfast…and a really nice view.”
“French toast, huh?” The redhead chuckled. “So you guys didn’t do the 218 Melissa Good bread and water thing, that’s good. Did you share a room?” Artfully put, she thought, with an inward smirk.
“Nope and nope,” Kerry replied cheerfully. “I ate like a pig, I’m ashamed to admit, and I enjoyed every minute of it. We managed to get to Epcot during the International Food Festival. It was great.” She patted her stomach. “But with all the damn walking and everything, I don’t think I did too much damage—it was worth it, though. I had a really great time, even with worrying about the bid and all.”
Colleen studied her as she dug into her packages. Smiling and interested, her sun-tinted skin evident in the lamplight, Kerry looked like she’d just come back from a vacation, not a business meeting. The redhead smiled to herself.
“Well, you look great. Got some sun, huh?”
Kerry nodded distractedly. “We spent six or seven hours at Blizzard Beach. I got sunburned like crazy, even though I wore screen, but it was great.
Those slides are fantastic.” She pulled out a bag. “I got you a T-shirt.”
“Ho-ho,” Colleen laughed, holding it up. “I like it. He looks good in a tartan.” It was a bold Mickey, dressed in green Scottish garb and carrying bagpipes. “Blizzard Beach huh? So, how’s your boss look in a bathing suit then, eh?”
“Gorgeous,” Kerry answered without thinking. “She’s got a body to die f—” She stopped awkwardly, realizing what she was saying, and gave Colleen a gently accusing look. “Col…”
Her friend smiled and patted her cheek. “Never you worry, lassie, it’s clear as a bell to me you’re head over heels. And if you’re happy, I’m happy for you, okay?”
“I am not…” Kerry burst into a protest, “…any such thing.” Her voice trailed off, and she sighed. “Oh my god, is it that obvious?” Her shoulders slumped.
“Hey, hey.” Colleen laughed and put an arm around her. “I think it was the fact that your face lights up every time you say her name that clued me in, but don’t worry, kiddo. If it’s any consolation to ya, I think you’ve got great taste. I can’t say I like her methods, but she’s one hot-looking lady.”
Kerry folded her arms across her chest. It felt good to stop dissembling.
“I feel like such an idiot, Col. I thought I was too old for crushes. It’s embarrassing,” she admitted ruefully. “But, yeah. She smiles and my damn blood pressure skyrockets…and I start stuttering like some kind of star struck teenager.” She shook her head with a sigh. “I’ll get over it, but it’s driving me a little crazy.”
“Mmm-hmm.” Colleen patted her knee. “How does she feel about it?”
Kerry stared at her. “Who, Dar? Oh, Jesus, Colleen, she doesn’t know anything about it. I mean, she’s my boss, for Christ’s sake. She likes me, sure, and she thinks I’m a good employee, but that’s it.”
Colleen plucked at the bear’s arm and raised an eyebrow. “You sure about that?”
“Of course I’m sure,” Kerry insisted. “We just get along well, that’s all.”
The redhead leaned over and sniffed at the bear’s fur. “That her perfume?” A half teasing, half sultry note had entered her voice.
“Uh…” Kerry exhaled. “Yeah.”
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“Nice,” Colleen complimented it. “Okay, well, I’m really looking forward to meeting her tomorrow then.” Her eyes twinkled.
Kerry grabbed her arm and a fierce note enter her voice. “You’re not going to say anything to her. Colleen, I’m warning you…”
A hand lifted. “Not a word, I swear it,” the redhead promised solemnly.
“Well, let me let you get some sleep. We’ve got a long day tomorrow.” She rose and ruffled Kerry’s hair. “Sweet dreams, my friend.”
Yeah. Kerry watched her leave, then she leaned against Pooh, letting out a long sigh. She considered a moment, then picked up the cordless phone lying on the table and dialed a number which was now ingrained in her memory.
An unusual five rings sounded before it was picked up. “Um. Hi. Listen, I know it’s late, but I…”
“Hey, no, I’m glad you called. I fell asleep on the damn couch.” Dar’s voice sounded a little blurry. “What’s up?”
“Um. Thanks for Pooh,” Kerry said softly. “You didn’t have to do that.”
A chuckle sounded, sending gentle shivers down her spine.
“I don’t recall signing the card,” Dar replied in playful tone. “But you’re welcome. I thought you deserved a little memento of the successful bid.”
She paused, and Kerry could hear her clear her throat a little.
“And…um, that was an insane thing to do, but thank you for the dolphins. I love…them.”
Kerry blushed a deep, brick red. At a loss for words, she stammered softly. “Y-you’re welcome.” She could almost feel the smile on Dar’s face, as it faintly changed the tone of her voice when she spoke.
“It was the best Boss’s Day ever, you can be sure of that,” Dar assured her. “Hey, you there?”
“Uh, yes. Sorry. I’m really glad it was.” Kerry managed to get her tongue untied. “Well, you must be tired. Um. See you tomorrow?”
“Uh huh,” Dar agreed. “See you tomorrow. ’Night, Kerry.”
“ ’Night,” Kerry said softly as the line went dead. She could feel a deep welling of emotion going through her, and she put down the phone and hugged the bear to her, burying her face into its fur with helpless fierceness.
After a long moment, she stood, changed into her nightshirt, then turned out the lights and went to bed, bringing the happy-looking Pooh right along with her.
Chapter Eighteen
KERRY WOKE UP late and didn’t even have time to get coffee before she ran out of the apartment and bolted north to the school, arriving with just minutes to spare and signing in with the work coordinator. It was eight AM, and they were due to start shortly, but the company always felt that it needed to make sure its volunteers weren’t starving to death beforehand. Kerry looked around her at the dull concrete building and the crowd of T-shirted workers milling about, munching on bananas and bagels and drinking orange juice. She grabbed some juice and a bagel, and took a deep breath of the cool, crisp morning air, brought on by a mild cold front that had rolled through the previous evening.
“Hey, Kerry!” Susan trotted up. “Nice sunburn.”
Kerry laughed and tugged on her T-shirt. She had it tucked into a pair of older jeans and was wearing her hiking boots. “Yeah, I was in Orlando the past few days. Got a chance to get out into the sun for a while.” She glanced at Susan. “How are you doing? I hear you’re heading up the new programming project.”
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