Two to Love

Nights in Bliss, Colorado - 2

Sophie Oak

To my mom, who gave me my first romance novel. You started me down this path and then made every mile all the easier for your support. I couldn’t do it without you.

Chapter One

“That’s a virgin?”

“That’s what Stefan said,” Nate Wright explained to his best friend who had just uttered the same question Nate had been asking himself. Though Stef was standing right beside them, he simply sighed and ignored Zane.

Nate watched the young woman through the two-way mirror. She lay back on the big bed, stretching her gloriously naked body. Only the constant darting of her eyes to the door gave an indication that she was anything but comfortable. Her right foot rubbed absently against the opposite leg as though checking the softness of the skin. Nate would do the same thing in a few minutes, though it would be his hand running up her leg and finally making its way to its destination—her perfect, plump pussy. It was shaved and ripe looking. If Stefan hadn’t sworn she was a virgin, Nate would never have believed it. Of course, in a few minutes, she wouldn’t have that problem.

“A twenty-five-year-old virgin?” Zane Hollister sounded as surprised as Nate felt. Nate looked over at his best friend. He was a giant of a man, and Nate worried that the young woman in question might be overwhelmed by his sheer size. He wasn’t surprised to see Zane was practically salivating. Callie Sheppard was exactly their type. Nice breasts, ample hips, small waist, but she had some weight on her. Her face was sweet, but not model-like, with well-shaped lips that would look good wrapped around a cock. She wasn’t a fragile thing who would break the instant they got a little rough with her. And they would definitely get a little rough.

Stefan Talbot threw Nate a look. It was his “dumbass is here why?” look. Stef wasn’t Zane’s biggest fan, but he was proving tolerant this evening. “Would you like the definition of virginity made plain to you, Hollister?”

Zane rolled his green eyes. “No, asshole. I just think she looks a little comfy for a girl who’s about to get her cherry popped by two strangers.”

That aristocratic eyebrow of Stefan’s arched up, and Nate knew the sarcasm was about to flow. “Well, unless the two of you have some superpowers I don’t know about, or very small dicks, I think you should choose one to ‘pop her cherry.’” He turned to Nate, and there was no mistaking the warning in his eyes. “I swear if he hurts her…”

Zane had the good grace to look surprised. He took a small step back and regarded Stefan seriously. “I wouldn’t hurt any girl, much less one like Callie. She’s beautiful.”

That seemed to calm Stef. His stance relaxed, and the angry bull air about him deflated a notch. “I want you to be very careful with her. I care about her. She’s like a little sister to me.”

Zane’s eyes narrowed. “Brothers don’t normally see their sisters naked.”

Stefan laughed. The sound conveyed his fondness for the girl in question. “If I had a big problem with nudity, I would rarely see Callie at all.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Nate was intensely curious about the girl he would spend the evening with.

“Callie’s upbringing was a bit unusual, like many of us in Bliss. Her mother runs a nudist resort just outside of town. Callie grew up there. Oh, she lived in Bliss and wasn’t allowed on the grounds as a teen, but she takes after her mother. She prefers her own skin. I know if I go to Callie’s place, I’ll probably find her in a hastily thrown-on robe. When she sees it’s me, she happily throws it back off. It’s just her way. There’s nothing sexual about it. Callie is…innocent.”

“But she doesn’t want to be.”

Stefan waved away that thought with a twist of his hand. “I doubt an evening with you will really take away her innocent air. That’s why I picked you. I have some other friends, but I wanted you specifically, Nate. I know you’ll be kind to her. I thought this whole plan was ridiculous, but she’s set on it. If I didn’t set this up, she would have gone and found someone on her own.”

The girl in question rolled over, offering Nate a look at her spectacular ass. Her cheeks were deliciously curved and flowed into a trim waist and graceful back. “That could be dangerous. Is there a particular reason why she wants a ménage? Usually only experienced women are interested in that.”

Stefan’s eyes hooded, and the floor suddenly had his attention. “You have to understand the way we grew up. Bliss is a small town. There were only the four of us the same age. In school, we were a very small class. It was me and Callie and the twins, Max and Rye Harper.”

Nate had heard of Stefan’s best friends. Stefan talked about Bliss, Colorado, endlessly whenever he was forced to return to Dallas for some family obligation. Sometimes Nate envied Stef’s mountain home. He’d always wanted to go there and had never found the time. The others in their social circle couldn’t understand why Stef would choose to forgo the best schools and a whirling social life, but Nate could see the appeal. It would have gotten him away from the constant pressure of being a “Wright.” He could still hear his father yelling at him when he’d told him he was joining the DEA. A “Wright,” he’d been told, did not work in something so blue collar as law enforcement. When he was running the DEA, he would show his father exactly what a “Wright” could do.

“We’re still very close,” Stef was saying.

“She was in love with them,” Zane commented.

Sometimes, not often, Zane had moments of emotional clarity. Nate knew they were usually followed by an enormous amount of beer drinking, but they were there all the same. He seemed to be having just such a moment as he looked at the dark-haired beauty through the two-way mirror. His hand lifted briefly as though he could touch her. He brought it down quickly and went back to brooding.

Stef nodded. “Yes, and they always viewed her as a little sister. It must have been very hard to be the only girl in our little group. By the time we were teens, the twins and I were experimenting with older girls from neighboring towns, and Callie was on her own in the sexual awakening department. We didn’t make it easy on her. We scared off a lot of prospects. I didn’t really understand how that hurt her until recently. I want you to make her feel desirable.”

“That won’t be hard.” Zane’s pants were already tenting. He didn’t do anything to hide his massive erection.

Stefan glanced down and then back up, shaking his head. “Like I said before, be careful with her. Callie’s twenty-five today. She’s sick of waiting. There’s no one in Bliss even vaguely suitable, so she suggested we come here. No one knows her in Dallas. She can do what she likes in this club, and there won’t be any gossip. Bliss is a lovely place, but it runs on gossip. I want to protect her. That’s why I called you, Nate. I know you have certain kinks.”

Nate felt a grin slide across his face. He did enjoy the occasional ménage, but no one in the world had more kinks than Stef Talbot. Pot, kettle, black as night. Nate himself simply preferred to enjoy a woman with his best friend. Stef’s kinks were a bit more brutal. He chose to let it go. “Are you going to watch?” Stef had been known to.

“Hell, no.” His childhood friend actually shuddered. “As I said, Callie is like a sister to me. While I will set up her little fantasy, I am certainly not going to watch it. I’ll be in the bar. I’m meeting some friends. I haven’t seen them since the last time I was in Dallas. You’re lucky I didn’t ask them to handle this. They share, too.”

Most men didn’t have multiple sources to go to when setting up their friend’s ménage fantasy. “Why us?”

“Because I trust you, and I’ve known you longer,” Stef admitted. “And deep down, I know that giant of an idiot you call a best friend won’t hurt her, either.”

Zane growled. At six foot five, Zane was a beast. Stef was pushing it. It was something he did from time to time, but Nate had no time to indulge Stef’s need to get his ass kicked. He’d talked about this long enough. He wanted to meet Callie. “We’ll take care of her. Don’t worry about it.”

Stefan nodded and glanced out over the playroom of the exclusive bondage club they all belonged to. “I believe Mr. Lodge will send someone in to escort her back up to our suite when you’re done. My friends are here. Thank you, Nate.”

Stefan walked off to greet a dark-haired man and his blond companion, a slightly smaller male. The big cowboy held his hand out and greeted Stef. Nate turned back to Zane.

“I don’t like him.” Zane scowled as Stef walked away.

“I think the feeling is mutual.” Nate had long ago accepted that his two best friends in the world were never going to like each other. Nate looked into the room they were about to enter. “The question is, do you like her?”

A slow smile split Zane’s face. “Oh, yes, I like her quite a bit.”

Satisfied, Nate opened the door.

* * *

Callie Sheppard was startled by the sound of the door opening. She sat straight up in bed and wondered what the hell she was doing. It had seemed like a great idea at the time, but now a little tremor of trepidation ran through her system. She was naked in a notorious BDSM club, waiting for two men to walk in and take her virginity. It wasn’t that she minded losing her virginity. She wasn’t doing anything interesting with it in the first place. It needed to go, but now she worried this wasn’t the way to do it. She wanted a little affection and kindness. Would they give that to her? Oh, god, Stef had found her two guys for her birthday. She’d made him a loaf of zucchini bread and shared a bottle of cheap wine for his. What was she doing?

“Hello.” The deepest voice she’d ever heard pulled her from her panic. She turned and hoped there wasn’t a line of drool running out of her mouth. She climbed as gracefully as she could off the big bed and faced them. They were perfect. The one who had spoken was tall. She doubted she would reach his shoulders when she stood against him. He was at least six and a half feet, and his body was corded with muscle. Every piece of him seemed chiseled out of granite. He was male model perfection with a strong jaw and piercing green eyes.  His hair was inky black and curled sweetly over his ears.

His partner wasn’t quite as tall but still was no small man. He was a few inches shorter than the gorgeous monster, and his body held a lean strength. If the black-haired devil was a linebacker, this man was a swimmer. His eyes were a stark blue. His skin was sun kissed and smooth. Callie was fascinated with the idea of soft skin covering steel. His hair was cut in a military style. It was a rich brown. The intimate light of the room caught the gold and red streaks. He looked like a man who laughed often.

Everything inside her heated up at the sight of them, and she wasn’t so scared anymore.

“Hello.” It seemed like a dumb thing to say to two glorious men when she was naked as the day she was born, but it was all she could think of.

“Hello, Callie.” The other man’s voice was deep, too, but there was an inherent friendliness to his Texas accent. It looked like Stef had found her a couple of cowboys. The blue-eyed man watched her. He gave her a small, calm smile like he didn’t want to scare her. “Are you nervous, sweetheart? We don’t want you to be. Nothing happens here that you don’t want. All you have to do is say the word and everything stops.”

Their eyes were on her body. Callie had never thought much about her body before. It was a natural thing. She’d grown up in a household where nudity wasn’t frowned on. She was comfortable in her skin, only now she wasn’t. Now she was starting to feel hot and restless. They weren’t avoiding her private parts the way the nudists politely did back in Bliss. These men stared boldly at her breasts, and her breasts seemed to be staring right back. Her nipples were hard little nubs.

“Do I get a safe word?” The question came out on a breathy sigh. She’d always wanted to know what it felt like to truly submit. Stefan’s subbies always seemed satisfied.

The blue-eyed man’s mouth turned down. “Your safe word is no. We don’t have to play games. All you have to do is say no and we stop.”

“But we can play games if you want to.” That came from the big guy. His husky voice did all sorts of things to her libido. He walked boldly up to her and placed his hands on her hips. His touch lit up her skin. “Do you want to play, darlin’?”