“Miss me?” The smirk on his face told her he knew the answer to that question.

“You know I did.”

“Well, I missed you. I’ve been doing all the heavy lifting around here.” Zane slapped Nate on the back. He looked down at Callie. “I told you he would come back. He’s here now, babe, and let me tell you, once Nathan Wright decides he’s committed, it’s for life.”

“Damn straight.” Nate’s eyes gleamed in the light of the bar they had all worked to build together. “I took the job in the DEA to get somewhere in life, but I also wanted to protect the things I loved. Everything I love is right here in Bliss. I’m never leaving, Callie. This is my home. You and Zane are my family.”

“Yo! Can I get a beer here?” Max Harper yelled over the jukebox.

“Yeah, man, we might have way more family than we can handle.” Zane groaned as he jogged back behind the bar.

“Get to work, gorgeous.” Nate patted her behind. “I need a beer, and I want the hottest waitress in the state to get it for me.” He looked toward the bar and frowned. “Damn it, Zane. Get rid of that duck.”

Callie laughed. Nate had seen the rubber duck Zane had fixed to the bar. He’d managed to fit a little cowboy hat on the yellow duck and had glued on a tiny gold badge. There was a donation box for the duck’s eventual run for Sheriff.

“I am not running against that duck.”

Callie watched the two men she loved more than life argue about a rubber duck.

“Callie, baby, you got to get him to get rid of the duck.”

“I am not getting in the middle of that.” She shook her head, but Nate was already hauling her to his side.

“You say that now, but later…”

She gave him a wink that promised all the things she’d do later.

“Babe, order up.” Zane passed her a tray filled with two beers for Max and Rye and a glass of tea for Rachel.

Callie picked up the tray and started her new life.

