The table grew silent as several pairs of eyes slowly shifted toward Brooke. Seeing the gathered attention coming her way, Brooke brought her hand to her mouth and coughed rather dryly as she pretended not to have heard the question. “Randi was talking about Sam’s Christmas presents… That twelve days of Christmas theme.”
“Yeah… what did you get, Sam?” Terri chimed in and asked Sam as the young blonde turned a questioning eye to her lover.
“Yeah… come on, Brooke. We’re all family. Well… almost all,” Rick corrected as he winked at Sam.
Sam smiled pleasantly as she answered, “I’ll let her tell you.”
Brooke’s eyes lit up like the previous week’s Christmas tree as she began naming Sam’s gifts. “Let’s see… she got twelve keys.” All eyes around the table were on Brooke as she continued. “Eleven long stem red roses… ten chocolate covered strawberries… nine cans of Hershey’s syrup…” Brooke looked over to see if Sam would be able to contain the blush that crossed her fair features with the mention of chocolate syrup. Pleased that the making of a slight blush was already creeping up her lover’s neck, Brooke smiled as she opened her mouth to continue.
“Only nine of those?” Rick seemed surprised. “Why, if that were Terri, it would have to have been… Ooomph!” The man’s eyes bugged out with the blow of his pregnant wife’s elbow to his midsection.
“Don’t interrupt her, Dear,” Terri smiled sweetly at her husband. “Go on, Brooke… please.”
Brooke laughed at her sister’s less than ladylike interruption, and then turned to look into Sam’s eyes as she continued. “Eight uhm…” the woman swallowed audibly as she searched for the right words, “…articles of clothing… for lack of a better term…”
“Lack of material would be more appropriate,” C.C. teased.
Brooke rolled her eyes before continuing, “Seven days of undivided attention… six scented candles…”
“FIVE GOLD RINGS!” C.C. burst into song with a slightly off-key rendition of the familiar song.
Sam shook her head and laughed, “How did I know that was coming?” She looked down to C.C. and mouthed “Thanks”, then looked to the woman beside her. “Go on, Babe, you can finish.” She pulled Brooke’s face down to hers and placed a soft kiss on the older woman’s cheek.
“Thanks, Darlin.” Brooke winked at Sam, before casting an arched eyebrow in C.C.’s direction. “Now, where was I? Oh yeah…” she turned her gaze back to Sam. “Oh, yeah… the four hours of dancing the other night… three bottles of wine… two loving family members, her father and sister, and me in a bare tree,” Brooke finished with a mischievous glint in her blue eyes.
“No star, Anti Bwooke?” a small voice was heard over the laughter around the table.
“What, Sweetpea?” Brooke asked as she picked up her niece, who had made her way out of her father’s lap and over to her favorite aunt.
“You didn’t give her a star?” Julie asked.
“Actually, I uhm… I…” there was a faint smile pulling at the corners of Brooke’s mouth when a solution came to her mind. “I gave her a chocolate star,” the woman muttered as she tugged on her ear while she answered, her gaze settling on no one in particular.
Julie made a face as she thought about the answer given to her. “Otay. Dat sounds good enuff.”
There was a soft chuckle across the table from Randi and Brian as they enjoyed the fact that even their three-year old could cause Brooke to stutter from embarrassment.
Henry and Mable gathered a handful of dishes, then scurried off to the kitchen while everyone else discussed Sam’s presents. Moments later, Henry returned with a chilled bottle of champagne. Taking his time, he began to make his way around the table, filling everyone’s glass with the exception of Terri’s.
“What’s this for, Dad?” Sam asked curiously as her glass was filled.
Henry smiled at the ease with which Sam entered into their family. “It’s New Year’s Eve, Sam. We have to have champagne on New Year’s Eve.” He continued to his wife’s glass, then filled his own, smiling at Mable when she entered the room with a bottle of non-alcoholic champagne for her grandchildren’s glasses, as well as Terri’s.
“Is someone going to be giving a toast?” Sam looked over to Brooke, giving her a wink, and elbowing her playfully.
“Actually, I thought I’d give her a break this year.” Henry sat the nearly empty bottle down on the table. “This year it’s up to…” He watched as C.C. looked up, her eyes pleading, hoping she would finally be allowed to do a toast now that she was of legal age to drink. Henry let his eyes roam over the dinner guests until he scanned his eyes right past C.C. and over to his two son-in-laws. “…Brian and Rick.”
C.C. tried not to look as disappointed as she felt when she looked down to her lap. Quietly, she spoke, “I guess you have to be twenty-one for a few years, huh Dad?”
Noticing the genuine pout on C.C.’s face, Henry added, “… And C.C.”
Brown eyes looked up into a matching pair as C.C.’s face broke out in a huge grin. “Really?” She jumped up from her chair, bumping into Kevin on her way up. “You mean I finally get to be a part of the adult activity?”
Henry smiled at his youngest daughter’s enthusiasm. “Sure, no telling what those two troublemakers would come up with on their own.” He stole a glance in his sons-in-laws’ direction, then turned to address the entire gathering. “Actually, why don’t we move this into the living room? There’s more room in there and it’s much cozier by the fireplace on this cold evening.”
Everyone agreed and started to move away from the table. Brooke stood up and held a hand out for Sam to take as the small blonde rose. “I’ve got these, Sweetheart,” Brooke motioned to the two champagne glasses in her hands.
“Thanks, Hon.” Sam reached up and kissed Brooke softly on her lips. “I really like your family’s traditions.”
Brooke smiled as she motioned for Sam to walk ahead of her. Making their way into the living room, they could see that Brooke’s father was already positioning Brian, C.C. and Rick in front of the fireplace.
Fearing that they may have to stand, Brooke handed Sam her glass while everyone got settled only to have it handed right back to her when Julie tugged on Sam. With the small child now securely held in Sam’s arms, Brooke sat both of their glasses down on the nearby end table.
Randi followed her daughter over to Sam and Brooke and stood behind her sister. She watched as David sat between his grandmother and Aunt Terri on the couch while Kevin stayed with her, hugging her leg. Leaning in toward her sister, Randi whispered rather loudly, “You know, you left out the one that C.C. screeched through. What did you give Sam for the number five? You’ve got me curious.”
“Yeah, Aunt Brooke. You left out the five,” Kevin added as he looked at his hand and held up the appropriate number of fingers.”
Brooke looked down and ruffled the boy’s dark blonde hair. “Your Aunt C.C. had it right, Kevin. Sam got five gold rings. Somebody gonna start this toast?”
“Yes, gentlemen… and lady. Who’s going to start?” Mable asked as she looked from one son-in-law to the other, eyeing her daughter as well.
“Not C.C., since you just said the word ‘lady’,” Terri added with a grin.
“Hardy-har-har,” C.C. replied as she rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue.
Brian looked around at his family. “I guess I’ll start.”
Sam furrowed her brow as she tried to recall receiving five gold rings when Brian cleared his throat.
“To a year of good health, family and love…”
“Well, that’s the three of us but what about C.C.?” Randi chuckled looking to both Brooke and Terri.
“Okay, Rick… you’re on,” Brian nodded his head towards his brother-in-law.
Rick took a deep breath and stuck out his chin. “To the memory of days past and the hope of more to come.” He put on his most debonair smile, then turned to C.C., rolling his hand to indicate her moment in the spotlight. The brunette stepped forward, rubbing her hands together nervously. She opened her mouth to speak and was startled when it wasn’t her voice that she heard.
“Wait a minute, Brooke. You haven’t given me five gold rings,” Sam pointed out as she shifted Julie from one hip to the other as the toddler looked down to Sam’s belly.
“Yes, I did.” Brooke answered, matter-of-factly.
Sam thought about it and shook her head in the negative. “No… no you haven’t. Count them down for me. The first one was the gold key ring, right?”
Brooke nodded her head as she wrapped a hand around Sam’s shoulder. “Yep. There was the gold key ring. The roses had a gold ribbon tied around them. There was a gold ring around the one Christmas can of Hershey’s syrup… on the lid…”
“You’re counting that, huh?” Sam asked as Julie began to wiggle out of her arms. Sam placed the child on the floor while Julie continued to play and talk to Sam’s stomach. “Okay, what else?” Sam asked as she absent-mindedly ran a hand through Julie’s hair.
“The gold elastic thingy around the candles.” Brooke started to look nervous as Julie began pulling on her sleeve to get her attention.
“Now, that’s really stretching it a bit, don’t you think, Brooke?” Terri chuckled.
“No, of course not. Okay, Chase… you can finish your toast now.” Brooke pleaded with her eyes as she leaned over to see what Julie wanted.
Sam watched, still slightly confused as Brooke listened to Julie’s whisper and then placed her ear against Sam’s stomach. “Brooke… that’s only four. What’s number five?”
“Ahh forget it, Sam. It’s probably stupid anyway.” C.C. interrupted Sam’s interrogation and cleared her throat. “To the hope that rings true to all that have love in their hearts. May the last year be only a promise of what’s to come. Happy New Year.” C.C. raised her glass to toast everyone as the familiar salutation was said in return.
Sam looked down to her lover and to Julie who were now whispering and giggling. “What’re you two conspiring about now?”
“Nuffin, Sam. Aunt Bwooke had ta ask da baby sumfin and she said ‘yes’.”
Sam smiled at Julie as Brooke stood back up. “Oh, yeah?” Sam looked up into Brooke’s eyes. “And what am I in this conspiracy?”
Brooke grinned. “You… are the topic of our conversation.” Brooke replied as C.C. walked over to toast her sister and former roommate.
Sam noticed C.C. and reached for her glass, sitting on the end table. “Happy New Year, C.C.”
“Happy New Year… Sis,” C.C. answered as she grinned and winked at Sam.
Sam smiled and absent-mindedly brought the glass to her lips as she started to take a drink of the bubbly liquid. Hearing a strange noise, Sam pulled the glass from her lips and stared into it. “Julie, did you drop one of your play rings down in here?” Sam looked at the sparkling piece of jewelry sinking to the bottom of her glass.
“No… Aunt Bwooke did. Da baby said it was okay.” Julie answered innocently.
Sam looked over to Brooke who seemed to be sweating by this point. “Brooke, that’s not funny. I could have swallowed that.”
Brooke’s eyes grew to twice their normal size as she grabbed her lover’s glass. “Well, I’m glad you didn’t.” Brooke reached in and grabbed the 1.32-carat diamond ring, wiping it off carefully on her shirt before holding it up for Sam to see. “It probably would have hurt if you swallowed this.”
Sam looked back and forth between the ring and Brooke. “That’s not a play ring, is it?”
Brooke closed her eyes and shook her head, slightly. “No, it’s not a play ring.” There was a moment of silence before a well-tuned snippet of a song came floating off of Brooke’s lips as she waited for some kind of reaction from Sam. “Five Gold Rings…”
“I… ah… what… ah… Brooke, I don’t understand,” Sam managed to stutter out as she searched Brooke’s face for answers.
Everyone began to gather around the two when Brooke got down on one knee in front of Sam. She reached up and nervously took Sam’s hand in hers. “Sam… I uhm…” Her heart was racing and her mouth began to go dry. Brooke closed her eyes and took in a deep breath before continuing to do what had haunted her thoughts and dreams for weeks now. “I can’t imagine being without you for even a day. The more time we spend together, the more I love you…”
Sam’s eyes began to water as Brooke started to sing softly to her.
“Will you be there beside me if the world falls apart? And will all of our moments remain in your heart? Will you be there to guide me all the way through? I wonder will you… Walk by my side and follow my dreams? And bear with my pride as strong as it seems? Will you be there tomorrow? Will you be there beside me as time goes on by and be there to hold me whenever I cry? Will you be there to guide me all the way through? I wonder will you… Walk by my side and follow my dreams? And bear with my pride as strong as it seems? Will you be there tomorrow?”
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