“So…girls?” Mable looked around the table, trying to gain some control over the dinner. “Are we done with this discussion?” The matriarch looked at each one individually, leaving Randi for last, narrowing her eyes at the eldest of the lot when she started to open her mouth. “I thought so. Henry,” she looked up to her husband. “It seems like the right time to bring out that dessert and perhaps some more coffee.”
Henry rose from his seat and as he passed his wife, leaned in to kiss her on the cheek. “It’s a shame Sam’s not here for this. I know she would’ve liked it.” He looked over to the unused place setting that was sitting there, waiting for the blonde. “I guess I’ll gather these up now.”
At the mention of Sam’s name, Brooke zoned out, letting her lower lip take on its pouting nature.
Noticing the glumness overtaking her sister, C.C. thought it best to try to bring her out of it. “So, Brooke…have you heard from that favorite client of yours?” She watched as Brooke looked over to her, questions written all over her face. “You know, the one that demands most of your free time,” she hinted at, kicking the woman’s foot under the table.
“Uhm…No, actually I haven’t. It’s kind of unusual.”
“What Dear, someone giving you concern?” Mable became interested in the topic.
“Just the client that I told you about at C.C.’s birthday party, Mom.” Blue eyes looked over into her mother’s.
“Oh…That one…Well, they did seem to be quite into your company.” Mable patted her daughter’s hand. “I’m sure things will work out and you’ll hear from them soon enough.
“Anyone that we would know?” Randi looked at her mother and Brooke.
“Come on, give us some inside scoop.” Terri demanded. “It will make me look good to the kids I treat to be in the know about a new artist.”
“I-T-K…huh?” Brooke laughed at her sister.
“Just tell me it’s not some Rapper that I’ll be asked to prosecute down the road.”
“No Randi, it’s not a Rapper. No one famous at all…”
“Not yet at least.” The lawyer sighed.
“Nope, not yet.” Brooke glanced down at the cell phone on her belt.
“Here you go, ladies.” Henry’s masculine voice beamed as he walked over to his youngest daughter. “And I do mean that…” he looked at C.C. and winked. “Now that you’re over twenty-one. Coffee, just as you like it.” He poured a round at everyone’s place and then headed back toward the kitchen returning with pie and setting it down between his wife and Brooke.
“Hmm…” Mable nodded appreciatively. “Now I wonder…” she eyed the pie as she picked up the serving utensils. “How does one dig into that kind of dessert without getting that whipped cream all over the place.”
Brooke let her attention focus on her cup of coffee as she took a mouthful of it.
Mable cut into the dessert and offered the first piece to her daughter. “How about you Brooke, care for some virgin pie?”
“Bet you’ve had that before…” Randi mumbled out without realizing it.
The musician snorted, coffee filling her mouth and nose, causing her to choke when she heard Randi’s sly comment. “I’m…cough…gonna…cough…get some water.” Brooke’s face was turning red. “Excuse me.” She got up from the table and left the room.
“Of course she has…I mean,” Terri shrugged, “when you had all those women, there ain’t much else to work with labeled virgin.”
“Come on, you two,” C.C. was defending her sister. “Cut her some slack. How would you like it if we were scrutinizing your sex life at every dinner?”
“That shouldn’t bother Terri. She works too much to get any,” Randi smirked.
“Yeah?” Terri turned toward her older sister. “Well, it’s all in the timing. Speaking of which…I heard that you and Brian…”
“GIRLS!” Henry raised his voice just as Brooke walked back into the room with a glass of water.
“Hey, I’ve provided the grandchildren for Mom and Dad. There ain’t nothing wrong with my timing,” Randi declared, resting her hands on her hips.
Mable cast a wary eye at the daughters to her right. “Yes, and for that we are very thankful.” She turned to look at Brooke on her left. “Now, come on sit down and dig into some of that dessert.” She watched her silent child nod at the offer.
“I was commenting on the time it takes for some people to have sex…not the reproductive aspect.” Randi made her mind known.
“Boy, I’m glad that I’m not married. All they worry about is kids.” Brooke motioned to her sisters across the table while looking at C.C.
“I’m on your side Brooke.” C.C. thought for a moment then added, “Well, not really but you know what I meant.”
“I do.” She nodded to C.C. “Yeah, that’s the one thing I’ll never have to worry about.”
“Never say never, Brooke.” Terri chuckled. “Lots of lesbian couples have kids.”
“That is if you can narrow it down to one partner.” Randi laughed out loud. “You know, Brooke…I never thought about this before. Since you can’t be married as a lesbian couple, you could actually keep a whole harem of women at your disposal and not be considered to be committing bigamy.”
“Now why would she want to do that when she’s found…” C.C. stopped and looked at Brooke. “Found that…ah…I forgot what I was going to say.” The brunette shrugged then went back to eating her pie.
Brooke shook her head and began to rub her temples. “Can you just cut the wise cracks, Randi? I really don’t care if you think I’ve slept with one or one thousand women. I know the truth and I would appreciate it if you would keep your little cracks to yourself. It’s just not funny anymore.”
“Hmph…” Randi studied her sister. “Okay for now…”
“No, for good. Please?” Brooke watched as Randi just smiled in her direction.
The sound of her cell phone ringing got her attention and she hastily grabbed it from her belt. Flipping it open, she brought it to her ear. “Hey.”
“Hey, Brooke. Sorry I’m not there.” Sam’s voice broke the air. “I missed dinner, huh?”
The dark-haired sister got up from the table. “Excuse me,” She offered and walked out of the room waiting until she was far enough away so as not to be heard. “Hi Baby. God, I am missing you so much. Don’t worry, Mom is sending you dessert.” Brooke turned suddenly serious. “Is everything alright? I’ve been worried about you, Sweetheart.”
Sam sighed. “I can live without dessert, but not without you. I miss you. Can you come and get me?”
“I miss you, too. Why yeah, I can. What’s wrong?”
“I got stuck at Aunt Sandy’s. Crystal got called into work and my aunt didn’t get home yet. She got held over for another part of a shift.” Sam cleared her throat. “I kept hoping that Aunt Sandy would get home sooner. I know how much those dinners mean to your family, I didn’t want to disrupt it. I knew you’d just leave to come for me.”
“I’d be more than happy to come get you.” Brooke paused, “No matter when you would have called.”
“I know, thanks.” Sam’s voice was barely more than a whisper. “Brooke would it be okay if you came into the house. I want you to meet my aunt if she’s home when you get here.”
“Of course, Darlin’. Why wouldn’t it?”
“No reason I guess. I just thought that it was time I introduced you to my family. I want them to know the person that I’ve fallen in love with.”
“I can’t wait to get there then. I love you, Sam.”
Sam giggled. “Be careful, I’ve got plans for that body of yours but only if its in one piece. See you soon. I love you.”
“Love you, too.” Brooke whispered. “Bye.”
“I know…I know, Hon. Bye.”
Renewed by hearing Sam’s voice, Brooke disconnected the call and walked back into the dining room, stopping at her mother’s chair. “Sorry, Mom.” She leaned in to kiss her cheek. “But…uh…I need to go.”
“So was that…” Mable looked into her smiling daughter’s face and knew the answer before she asked. “That client, huh?”
“Yeah.” Brooke nodded. “You know the one.” She walked down to her father’s place and offered him a quick one-armed hug and a kiss on his cheek.
“Must be some pretty important client to call you on a Sunday night,” her father teased, then returned her kiss. “You be careful driving, Brooke.”
“I will, Dad. Like my life depends on it.” Brooke winked at C.C., then tapped her on the shoulder as she passed by. “See you, Randi, Terri.” She addressed her sisters and then leaned down to kiss her mother again. “Bye, Mom and thanks for everything.”
Randi watched as Brooke left the room, then turned to look pointedly at the rest of the family. Seeing no reaction from any of them, she smirked and shook her head, muttering under her breath, “I can’t believe you all bought that story.”
The 300 raced through the Virginia countryside as it made its way to where Sam was. Brooke had to keep reminding herself to breathe as she drove, wanting nothing more than to be holding her lover in her arms. When she finally pulled into the parking space outside of Crystal’s house, she felt like her heart was in her chest and making its way up her throat, the closer she got to where Sam actually was. Opening the door and getting out, Brooke looked to the window of the house and saw the golden tousles of hair with two green eyes looking back out at her. Practically running, Brooke found herself being met at the door by the warmth of her lover. “Hi!” Brooke smiled down at the endearing woman, trying to keep from wrapping her arms around the woman and kissing her silly.
“Hey,” Sam smiled up at six feet of restraint as she held out her hand to Brooke, blushing when the woman took it into her own and kissed it gently before allowing herself to be led inside. Sam could feel the nervous trembles of her lover’s hand as she brought the woman further into the house. “It will be fine. Trust me,” Sam whispered. She looked back to see Brooke nod.
“I do,” Brooke whispered back.
They entered the living room that was off the hallway in the modest home to see a small, gray haired woman in a nurse’s uniform sitting on the couch.
“Aunt Sandy,” Sam pulled Brooke closer to her. “This is the young woman that I was telling you about.” Sam presented her friend. “This is my lover, Brooke Gordon.”
Surprised by the choice of terms, Brooke swallowed hard, then nodded toward the seated woman respectfully. “Hello, Ma’am.”
“It’s so nice to finally meet you, Brooke. I’ve heard so many nice things about you.” Sandy smiled as she looked from one young woman to the other.
“Likewise. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Why, thank you.” Sandy turned to Sam, “And so polite, too.”
Sam smiled, pleased that Brooke was making such a nice impression on her Aunt. She squeezed Brooke’s hand in her own. “She’s always polite, Aunt Sandy.”
The older woman watched as a blush made its way up Brooke’s neck. “Well, I hope you haven’t spoiled your Sunday. I’m sorry about working so late, Sam.”
“No, Ma’am,” Brooke spoke up. “As a matter of fact, this is the best part of the entire day.” She looked to Sam and winked, squeezing her hand.
“Maybe next time I can give you more notice about Sarah. I know that you love your sister. I’ll do anything to help you see her.”
“Well, let’s hope there is a next time. Thanks for everything, Aunt Sandy.” Sam let go of Brooke’s hand and went to hug her relative. “Ah…we’d better get going. It’s a long drive back home.” She kissed her aunt and then walked back toward Brooke.
“Home,” the tall woman muttered under her breath.
“Yeah, home.” Sam patted her lover’s shoulder. “Let me get my bag and I’m all set, Brooke.” The blonde headed toward the stairs.
“Okay, I’ll be right here,” Brooke spoke softly, smiling as she watched her leave the room, then turned to smile at the older woman on the couch.
“Thanks for coming for her. I just got in about ten minutes ago.”
“It’s no problem at all.” Brooke looked down sheepishly admitting, “I started to get a little worried when I hadn’t heard from her.
“She told me that you’d say that.” Sandy smiled liking the woman even more. “Sam’s a pretty perceptive girl. Being in love and all.” The older woman watched as Brooke tinged with red about her face and neck. “Sam’s done nothing but talk about you since she came in the door. Don’t worry,” Sandy winked, “that’s a good sign. You two seem to be quite smitten with each other.”
“I think about her all the time…” Brooke spoke softly as she admitted. “I uh…I love her very much.” Her hand slipped into her jacket pocket and she fingered the small rounded top box, then let her hand inconspicuously slide out again.
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