"Frankie didn't have time!" Eva screamed back.  "Chase wouldn't meet with me until Frankie got put in solitary!"

Deuce saw red.  The asshole hadn't just played on her love for Frankie he'd outright cornered her with her love for Frankie.

Preacher's eyes darted back and forth between Kami and his daughter.  "Eva, what the fuck did Kami just say?"

They both ignored him.

"Oh Evie," Kami cried.  "I'm going to kill him!  You are too good and too sweet and a man like Chase didn't deserve a taste of that kind of beautiful!"

If she kept saying shit like that about his woman maybe he could learn to like Kami.

“How did you find out?”  Eva whispered.

Kami let out a frustrated breath.  “He came home like twenty minutes ago informing me that our marriage was over.”  She snorted.  “Can you believe him?  I was like, “What marriage?” and started laughing at him.  He got pissed, told me about you, told me you guys were together, told me you were having his baby, but left Frankie out of it.  Only I knew, I JUST KNEW, you would never touch him without a good reason!  And I knew that reason was FRANKIE!  Avoiding me for months, the clothes Evie, the makeup, the Jimmy fucking Choo's…I am not stupid!”

"I'm gonna ask one more time, Eva," Preacher growled.  "What the fuck is Kami talking about?"

He stared at Eva.

She was pregnant.

His woman was pregnant.  And it wasn't his.

All eyes were on Eva but she only had eyes for him and damn her fucking eyes but he couldn't look away.  He couldn't even blink.

“I’m sorry,” She whispered.

He blinked.

“Kami?” Cox said quietly, his voice unusually low.  His head swiveled to his RC.

Kami, noticing Cox for the first time, shrieked and scrambled backwards.  That's when he saw the little boy she was shoving behind her.  Eva jumped beside her and they created a wall.

"Wait," Kami whispered holding her palms up.  "You don’t understand."

Confused, he looked at Cox's furious expression then back at the little boy, scared out of his mind, peeking out between Kami and Eva’s legs.

Understanding dawned.  Little shit looked just the bigger shit.

“Fuck,” He muttered.  This was going to get ugly.  There were two things in the world Cox truly cared about.  The club.  And his daughter.  If he had known he had a son, the kid would have been on that list, too.

"What don't I understand?"  Cox hissed.  "I don't understand that there's a fuckin' kid standing behind you 'bout four fuckin' years old who looks just like me?  I don't understand that I fucked his mother thirty ways from fuckin' Sunday the last time I fuckin' saw her, which was when, bitch?  Five fuckin' years ago?  Is that what I don't understand?"

Preacher stepped in front of Kami.  "You're talkin' shit 'bout the boy's mother right in front of him which is bad enough.  But that mother is family and so is the boy and talkin’ shit to my family does not happen in my fuckin' club."

"Fuck off Demon," Cox spat.  "In case you haven't noticed that's my fuckin' kid!"

"Yeah asshole, I fuckin' noticed.  Hard not to when he looks just like ya.”

"Would everyone shut the fuck up?" Kami screamed.  "He doesn't know about you!  All you're doing is scaring the crap out of him!"

Preacher shoved between Kami and Eva and scooped up the little boy.

"Once I got Devin upstairs and out of fuckin' earshot from you lot of assholes you can resume fuckin' screamin' at one another."  He looked at Eva.  "Me and you baby girl are gonna be havin' words.  If what I think happened actually happened I'm gonna get real trigger twitchy."

Nobody said a word until Preacher disappeared into the stairwell. Once he was gone, Cox exploded.

"This is so fucked bitch!  Hide a man's kid from him!  Really fuckin' fucked!"

"You crazy fuck!" Kami screamed.  "You live in Montana, you're fucking married, you already have a kid!  I live in New York, I'm fucking married!  What the fuck was I supposed to do?”

“What you were s’posed to do, bitch, was tell me you fuckin' shit out my kid!"

"You're disgusting!" Kami hissed.  “A fucking dirty, disgusting, biker whore!”

Cox's eyes bugged out of his head.  "Bitch, you think I'm fuckin' disgusting?  Were you or were you not the same fuckin' whore who was ridin' my cock bareback, shovin' your fuckin' tits in my mouth begging me to bite harder while Ripper drilled into your fuckin' ass?”

Eva went screaming crazy and lunged.  Cursing, he tried to grab her but the crazy bitch faked right and then went left, managing to cold clock Cox in the jaw just before he caught her and hauled her backwards.

"You're fuckin' dead bitch!" Cox shouted.

He snapped.  Shoving Eva off to the side, he spun around, grabbed Cox by his shirt and slammed him into a wall.  "Bitch is pregnant and you're gonna threaten her?  You're gonna fuckin' threaten my fuckin' pregnant woman?"

"Oh Evie," Kami wailed, forgetting entirely about a very homicidal Cox.  She threw her arms around Eva and together they sank down to the floor in a tangle of brown and blonde hair.

He released Cox and slumped back against the wall.  He hadn’t slept in over twenty four hours and there was too much crazy going on around him to deal with on no sleep.

"Settled this shit in my head already,” Cox hissed.  “I'm takin' my kid home."

"You're not taking my son away from me!" Kami cried.

Cox glared at her.  "Then you best pack your shit and find a fuckin’ place to live in Montana."

Kami scrambled to her feet.  "Montana!" She shrieked.  "Devin is not going to Montana!”

Deuce wasn't quick enough to grab Cox before he got up Kami’s face.  “Bitch,” He hissed, “I want to know my fuckin’ kid.  You already stole four fuckin' years from me.  You're not stealin' anymore.”

Kami’s lower lip trembled.  “You don't understand," She whispered.  "Until Devin, my entire life was spent doing what I was told and then finding ways to fill up the empty space in between.  The drugs and drinking and the sex, all of it, was me not knowing what to do with myself, not knowing where I belonged.  The moment Devin was placed in my arms everything clicked into place and suddenly I knew exactly what I was meant to do, where I belonged.  I couldn't let you take him from me."

Her voice grew shrill.  “I couldn’t let you take the only person in the world besides Evie that has ever meant anything to me!”

Eva burst into a fresh set of tears.  Sighing, convinced he was the only sane person left in the world, he pulled her to him and started rubbing her back.

Cox turned away from Kami.  "Shit," He muttered.  "Shit. Shit. Fuckin' shit."

He turned back around and took Kami’s hand in his.  “Woman, I wouldn’t have taken him from you, we woulda worked somethin’ out, back and forth bullshit.  I’d never take my boy from his mama.”

Kami burst into tears and her knees buckled.  Cox caught her before she crumpled to the floor, scooped her up in his arms and took off down the hall.  He watched him lean down and kiss Kami’s forehead before he made a left and they were out of sight.

He decided to start back up where he’d left off.  "Where's your room Eva?"

"I'm sorry," She whispered.

His nostrils flared.  Jesus Christ, all he wanted to do was get this bitch to her room and take care of her.

“For fucks sake, what the fuck are you sorry for?"

"The motel," She whispered.  "I wasn't thinking and I didn't put a condom on you before I…and you didn't pull out…"  She trailed off.

He stared at her.

"You tellin' me that’s my kid inside you?  Not that fuckin' pretty boy's?"

"No," She said, dropping her eyes.  "I’m telling you I'm sorry because I don't know whose kid is inside me."


I had never planned to tell Deuce I was pregnant therefore, I had never envisioned what his reaction was going to be.  Whatever reactions I had dreamed up during the three seconds it took me to tell him that the baby might be his, the reaction he had was not one I would have ever dreamed up.

"Can you walk?"



"Can you walk?" He repeated.  "Or do you need me to carry you?"

I blinked.  "Carry me?"

"Yeah babe.  Carry you to the shower."

Oh, god, he was trying to take care of me.  How could a man be so perfect for me and yet so wrong for me all at the same time.

"I'm disgusting," I whispered.

His eyebrow rose.  "Yeah babe, that's why I'm tryin' to get you in the shower."

"No!" I cried.  "I mean I'm disgusting!  I'm a whore!"

Deuce's face went rock hard.  "Fuckin' listen to me.  Up until you started askin' favors usin' your pussy as payment you'd only been with two men.  Me and Frankie.  You're not a fuckin' whore, you're a fuckin' idiot."

I gaped at him.

"Yeah babe, an idiot.  You’ve been taken care of that crazy fuckwad so damn long you think it’s your fuckin' destiny.  Chase knew that, he saw an opening and he fuckin' took it.  And because he took it he's gonna fuckin' die.  But babe, you're not a whore, farthest thing from it."

I swallowed hard.  "I'm still disgusting," I whispered.

His eyes flashed with anger.  "God dammit Eva!  What the fuck did I just-

"I liked it!"  I blurted out.  "I don’t even like Chase all that much but I liked fucking him and stuff… because I'm fucking disgusting!  I did things with him…"  My voice cracked and I swallowed hard.

“Disgusting things…and I liked them and I liked that it was him doing them,” I finished in small voice.

Deuce took a deep breath then blew it out slowly.  This was it.  In about two seconds, he was going to tell me exactly how disgusting I was and then I would never see him again.

"Eva," He growled.  I braced myself.

"You're bein' an idiot again."

"Excuse me?"  I whispered.

"You heard me.  You're bein' an idiot.  But I get why you're bein' an idiot.  You’d never fucked someone just to fuck ‘em.    So I'm gonna lay this out for you babe.  You don't gotta like someone to like fuckin' ‘em.  You can even hate their fuckin' guts and still like fuckin' ‘em.  Sometime's that's the best kinda fuckin'.  Angry, crazy, fucked up, fuckin’.  You got nothin’ to be ashamed of darlin’.

“That said, it don’t mean I’m not fuckin’ pissed as hell that you’ve been in another man’s bed and enjoyin’ it; that you might got a kid inside you that ain’t mine and that you’ve been runnin’ from me for eight fuckin’ years now.  I know I’m a fuckin’ bastard with a bad temper and I don’t fuckin’ deserve you but, shit Eva, if you woulda stayed put I woulda done better by you than you’ve had.  You feel me?"

I stared at him.  And fell in love with him all over again.

"I feel you," I whispered.

His eyes went soft.  "Babe," He said gently.  "I know that fuckin' look.  Can't fuckin' tell me you might have my kid inside you then look at me the way you're lookin' at me and expect me to keep it reeled in."

I shook my head.  "I can't do this anymore."

"What part babe?  You can't keep tryin’ to save Frankie from himself?  Or you can't keep fuckin' Chase?  Or you can't keep pretendin' that this crazy shit between us is gonna go away just cuz you keep runnin'?"

It was infuriating how well he knew me without even knowing me.

"All three," I snapped.

"That's good babe, cuz I can't do this anymore either."

I drew my brows together.  "What can't you do?"

"I'm gettin’ old babe.  Got grown ass kids and gray fuckin' hair.  Spent too much time married to a bitch I couldn't stand, too much time beatin' myself up for wishin' I was balls deep in a bitch eighteen years younger than me.  Add that shit together and that equals me being fuckin' miserable for a long fuckin' time.  So yeah, I can't do this anymore.  Can't fuckin' live without you.  Want you on my bike and in my bed.  Want my kids inside you.  Want you by my side babe for as long as I got left."

By his side.

“By your side?” I whispered.

His hand went to my neck and tugged on the chain around it.  For a moment, I thought he was going to break his father’s necklace again.  Instead, he tugged it out of my shirt and held it up in front of my face. The medallion spun around.  “You think I just like decoratin’ ya?”

I sucked in air.

It wasn’t his fathers.  It looked exactly the same as his father’s except the back of this one read, "Deuce".