“You’re never more than a few flight hours away. I think it’s safe to say you can go back to Candace. And tell her I owe her big time-like payment big time.”

“No, no,” Ryan stated as he crawled out of the bed. “You two just be happy and safe, and that will be payment enough for us. And try,” he said looking at Micah, “to give her enough time to have this baby before you call me again ‘cause, Dude, she can’t kick my ass until she is baby free.”

“I think I can handle that request,” Micah smiled.

“Four and a half months without danger?” I said raising an eyebrow. “That sounds like a vacation.”

Micah pulled me securely into his arms and gave me a breathless kiss.

I knew we wouldn’t have an ordinary married life until this was all behind us, but, for right now, it was normal enough to make me happy.
