Tessa felt the sun set and the room darkened just a bit more. Using what little demon magic she could muster after locking the room down, she managed to light the candles on the dresser and in the sconces on the wall. Warm soft light filled the room and Tessa noticed her vampire looked even more handsome in the subtle light.

"I'm at a disadvantage. You know my name, but I don't know yours."

"Gideon, I'm Gideon Duke, lovely Tessa."

"It doesn't fit you."

He snorted, a sound of mirth, and she decided he was too easily amused. Soon her annoyance was forgotten when his lips found her jutting nipple. He drew on it hard and she arched her back and hissed with pleasure. His sharp fangs only heightened her pleasure as just a little pain mixed with the sensation. Oh, he was good, very good. Closing her eyes, she reveled in the joy of sensation.

Normally she'd have been shy, guarded; but with Gideon she felt able to express her desire unhindered by her own lack of confidence. She'd never been with a non-human before, but she'd heard her sisters talk. They hadn't been exaggerating about the difference. He responded in kind, and she knew he was as consumed with need as she was. The feeling of his fingers rolling her other nipple while his mouth teased the first made her very wet.

Wonder bought heat to her already wet, needy pussy. Tessa wanted him to slam his cock inside her, but she was so consumed by lust that words were beyond her. His chuckle let her know he was still in her head. Normally, it would have pissed her off, but as she felt two of his long fingers enter her body and stroke her she was glad he knew her need. He removed his fingers, and she felt a moment of bereavement; her body had been inching toward orgasm. Then he began to stroke her clit.

As the tension built inside of her, each of his touches brought little gasps of pleasure from her lips. His skilled fingers rolled and pinched her clit. Tessa clutched Gideon's shoulders, her long French-manicured fingernails digging into his flesh. She arched her back, and all the feelings broke free as she came for him.

Screaming his name, a name she'd just learned; Tessa experienced the most intense orgasm of her life. Normally her orgasms were like wonderful little ripples in a pond, but this was a waterfall. Sensation went on and on. It didn't end quickly, but flowed and ebbed as he worked her into a frenzy. Fuzzy with lust, she looked into his eyes and knew he relished her pleasure. Flipping over in her chest, her heart seemed in harmony with his. In that moment, their eyes meet and held. A strange connection passed between them. Deeper than anything she had ever encountered with another man, the experience felt surreal.

Crying out, she felt his eyes on her as she writhed under his talented fingers. It felt so right, so wonderful. In the back of her mind, she reminded herself he was a complete stranger, a vampire. But it felt so right to be with him. Shaking the thought from her mind, she reminded herself that this was just hot sex. Giving into the sensations was her Christmas present to herself…

When nothing but the ripples of her pleasure remained, Tessa looked up into his handsome face filled with delirious bliss. It must be a crime that any being should be so attractive. Maybe it was vampire glamour, and he was old and ugly, but if he could make her come like that again, she didn't care if he was a hunchback too!

"No, lovely, I'm not a hunchback. I'm glad that you enjoyed yourself, but I'm not done with you. Lie down; let me give you your Christmas present. You are definitely on my nice list right now." His deep whisper was like brandy or velvet, sinful and soothing all at the same time.

She felt his large hand slid under her bottom and he squeezed the cheeks firmly. His hands slid to her thighs, and she felt him opening her legs as wide as they would go. His body settled between the "V", and his lips found her clit. He kissed her there once, tenderly, before he began to suck the little nub. She cried out as the pleasure began to build again.

Tessa had always felt she was a giving lover. She tried to make sure that she attended to the man in her bed and gave him a memorable encounter; but somehow it felt right just to let Gideon pleasure her. After all, he was trying to take away her freedom; he owed her a big apology.

His snort reminded her that her thoughts were not private, and she opened her eyes to look down at him. His blond head bobbed between her pale thighs, and the sight only increased her desire. Darkness had fallen and she could feel his growing power. It frightened her a little, even as she enjoyed his power over her body. Unable to control herself, her hips bucked a bit. He raised his head and his thumb began to make lazy, wonderful circles where his mouth had been.

"Easy, lovely, we have all night. I want this to be your best Christmas ever."

She had no doubt that it would be. Gideon smiled, and his fangs flashed in the darkness. Suddenly, he lunged at her inner thigh and she felt his fangs sink in. His thumb never stopped moving on her clit. Hissing, she came for him again; and it felt amazing. Her pussy throbbed, and the spasms left it tight and wanting. If he didn't stop it, he would need the 'jaws of life' to get his cock inside of her. Bucking on the bed, Tessa cried out in a keening wail. She had never made such an animalistic noise, but in the glory of pure desire she didn't care how it sounded at all. Gideon was making her crazy with his bite and his touch.

She pulled at him, desperate for him to be inside of her. He knew it too. It irritated her, even as her pleasure kept coming. When he pulled his mouth away she felt his tongue lap at the little wounds his fangs had left on her sensitive, pale skin.

She felt his cock on her leg, and the wetness of his pre-cum let her know he was not immune to the pleasure growing between them. Groaning, she opened her mouth to beg for him, but his fingers on her lips stopped her. She could taste herself on his fingers, but instead of repulsing her, it just added to the oddly erotic moment. His deep whisper kept her silent.

"Never beg my lovely one. Never beg for anything, my Tessa. Your sweet lips deserve more than pleas."

His kissed her then, and she felt him slide his arms behind her back and head and pull her to him with a ferocity that both surprised and delighted her. Clinging to him helplessly, she allowed him to crush her in a punishing kiss that made her light-headed. His tongue danced in her mouth and she returned the action. Tongue kissing had never been her favorite until that moment. What she had been missing not kissing the man made her regret not laying one on him the moment he'd stepped into her life to save it. Pure magic seemed to flow from his firm, masculine lips into her wanting mouth.

Tessa relished his talent and skill. Obviously, someone had been keeping secrets about the magic of vampire sex. No wonder there were so many vampires in the underground sex trade of Other World. Gideon would certainly make a stellar gigolo. He pulled back, snorting out a belly laugh at her thoughts. Scowling at him, she felt unable to help the rush of emotion as he kissed her furrowed brow.

"Never scowl, my sweet," he whispered in his magical voice. "For you, I will be a gigolo or anything that you desire tonight. For you, lovely one, I will give the best performance of my life. Let me make you scream my name again. I want to hear your sweet song as you come for me."

His words were as sensual as his actions, and Tessa wondered how many women had come just hearing him speak. If it wasn't some kind of vampire glamour the guy should get himself an infomercial, because a woman could believe anything that came out of that delectable mouth. He restrained his amusement, but Tessa could see the sparkle in his beautiful eyes. It was obvious from his reaction that he enjoyed the way she thought. Definitely a first for her in the male companionship department; a guy who liked her thought process. Gideon was one in a million.

When she tried to move, ready to start showing him her appreciation, he gently held her back. "No, lovely, this is all for you. Enjoy it. I will enjoy putting my cock in you soon enough. I just want to give you this night. Let me love you, sweet."

Tessa felt a little odd, but she lay back, allowing him to pleasure her. Soon the tension left her body as she felt his hands roving, touching her in places that she had never considered sensual, but that suddenly felt erogenous. He brought her to the edge, and she was desperate for him to join her in another orgasm. He must have read her mind because she felt the bed dip as he pulled her to him.

Using his hands, he raised her up and slipped just the head of his cock inside her pussy. Hissing with pleasure, Tessa closed her eyes and moaned. His fingers found her clit and he began to play with it; pinching, tweaking, and caressing until she felt her orgasm push her over the edge again. Tessa screamed his name. Gideon continued to rub her clit as he used his large, strong hand to pull her to his cock. She was so tight that when his large cock worked its way to the base the pleasure was so strong it was almost painful. Tessa cried out, and the sensation felt so intense that her eyes watered. Never in her life had she felt anything like what Gideon was doing to her. He moved forward and began to slam his cock in and out of her body until she was screaming uncontrollably.

Her face flushed with the exertion of her pleasure, and when she opened her eyes he was looking at her intensely. Never in her life had anyone looked at her the way Gideon was looking at her. She could feel the aftershocks of her orgasm against his cock where it was buried deep inside her body. Gideon never stopped giving attention to her clit. Tessa was delightfully surprised when she felt herself begin another orgasm.

Gideon began to slam into her body again. His hips moved so that his cock did something amazing in her body. No other man had ever been so skilled at wringing pleasure out of her. Tessa felt like she'd died just a little bit. In making her feel like she did, she wanted him to never stop! His deep masculine growl told her that he too felt the pure perfection of the sex. Coming for him again, she barely noticed when he joined her in orgasm. They lay panting after the last of the moment had slipped away.

Tessa wondered if it was just the magic of the vampire bite or something more; something purely Gideon that had caused her to experience the sex so deeply. It had been the best Christmas present ever. Stretching and feeling pliable and languid she stood up, shaking from her muscles being so weak with relaxation. It was the most perfect sex of her life. Determined to protect her heart she reminded herself it was only sex.

"We must go back. I have to take you home as soon as possible." His statement surprised her. She felt used. Did he think great sex would change her mind about staying away from Victor's world?

"I'm not going back." Ignoring his dark look she got up quickly. She wanted to get away from him and the bathroom was as far as her spell would allow. Tessa slipped into the bathroom to take a shower.

Stepping under the warm water, she reveled in the sensation until the moment of Zen suddenly shattered with his rude interruption.

Gideon stood naked, still looking angry. Without words, he hauled her soapy body out of the shower and she felt his growing power. Angry, she realized he was using her relaxed state to break her protective spell. Clamping down on her power she strengthened the barrier, but after losing blood and not eating all day her body gave out, and she found herself in his arms, blinking up at his wrathful face. Softly, she whispered, "Why is it so important to you to destroy my life?"

"The fate of my people depends on your safe return. Your father will kill every female of my kind if I don't bring you home." His words made her heart drop.

Tessa immediately wanted to cry. What kind of a monster would make such a threat? As much as she detested Other World, she didn't want to see its creatures suffer for her freedom. She didn't want to live trapped in Other World; but if Gideon was speaking the truth, she must return. Looking deeply into his eyes she felt the honesty in his expression. With a shallow cry, she pushed away from him.

"Let me take my shower and get dressed. Alone. I'll return with you, but only for the sake of your people – not for you or my father!" He looked conflicted, as if he might not trust her. She knew her eyes flashed red at him. She could see the moment he decided to trust her because his expression changed. He backed out of the door, and she slammed it in his face, deciding to make the most of her shower. Granted, great sex did not exactly award her his loyalty, but the fate of his kind was at stake. It was frustrating; knowing he had as little choice as she did. Sighing, she finished her shower and dressed.