"All right."

Caroline smiled at her from the doorway. "I'm so glad you're here, Allie. I promise we'll keep you occupied until Elizabeth is back on her feet. Perhaps by the time we return from our ride, the babe will have arrived. Wouldn't that be wonderful?"

A new baby… Allie slapped back the wistful longing that threatened to sneak up on her. "Yes."

With a smile and a wave, Caroline departed and Allie wandered to the window. Her bedchamber faced the front of the estate. Verdant lawns stretched around a seemingly endless curve of tree-lined drive. The cheerful song of chirping birds sounded from the trees, and leaves shimmered with golden strands of afternoon sunshine in the light breeze. Oh, Elizabeth, I'm so happy for you. That you found this wonderful place and these delightful people. And now await the birth of your second child. You deserve every bit of happiness. And while it was undeniably odd to imagine Elizabeth among all this opulence, she could easily imagine her fitting in this pastoral country setting.

Her gaze lingered on the cobbled drive below. Less than an hour ago she'd ridden on that very drive and asked Robert to be her lover. A rush of warmth spread through her, filling her with need and longing and trepidation.

What would his answer be? And was he thinking about it right now?


The instant Robert and Miles entered the billiards room, Austin demanded, "All right, Robert. The only reason I'm here is because you gave me 'the look.' Obviously you need to tell me something. What the bloody hell is so important?"

Robert raked his hands through his hair. Indeed, it had nearly taken an act of Parliament to drag Austin away from his self-imposed post in the drawing room. It wasn't until he'd given Austin the wordless signal the siblings had devised in childhood to indicate that something was amiss that Austin had agreed to come to the billiards room. And while he had no desire to add to Austin 's worries, he could not delay any longer in telling him about the disturbing incidents in London.

Speaking quickly, he brought Austin and Miles up to date. When he finished his recitation, both men regarded him with grave expressions.

"We experienced no problems on the journey here from London," Robert said, "but I don't feel this is over. With Michael on his way to Ireland with the note and the magistrate looking for the culprit, hopefully the bastard will be caught soon. But in the meanwhile, we need to take extra precautions. I do not want Mrs. Brown-or any of the women-to go about alone until this mystery is solved."

Austin nodded slowly. "I'll alert the staff, instruct them to report any unusual activities." A determined glint entered his eyes. "No one will be harmed." He then laid a hand on Robert's shoulder. "I'm glad neither of you were hurt. You did well getting Mrs. Brown here safely."

Robert's jaw clenched. "Not good enough. That bastard could have killed her." His hand tightened into fists. "He'll not have another opportunity, I can promise you that."

He watched Austin and Miles exchange a quick, speculative glance. Austin then remarked, as if choosing his words carefully, "Mrs. Brown is clearly a determined woman who stands strongly by her beliefs. A trait to be admired, especially in light of the hardships she's faced doing so. I can understand why she and Elizabeth are so close-they are very much alike in that respect."

"Yes. She is most certainly a woman to be admired," Robert agreed, meeting Austin 's gaze steadily, not caring a whit if his brother guessed his feelings for Allie. If he had his way, everyone would know before long. "If you two will excuse me, I'm going to check on the ladies. Make certain Caroline hasn't dragged Mrs. Brown off somewhere." He nodded at Austin. "I'm assuming you won't leave the house."

Austin raked his hands through his hair. "You assume correctly."

He tossed Austin a glossy, polished cue stick. "Practice up, brother. When I return, you're going to owe me twenty pounds."


When Robert found the drawing room empty, he continued out the French windows to the sun-splashed terrace where he was greeted by the sight of his mother enjoying tea and biscuits with her lively grandchildren. Pirate, his giant canine body stationed strategically near the table, gobbled up the biscuit crumbs as quickly as they hit the ground, and in some cases, before they made it that far.

Raising a hand to shield his eyes from the bright sunlight, Robert scanned the area for Allie and Caroline, and was relieved to note their figures in the distance, walking toward the terrace from the direction of the stables.

"Uncle Roboo!" a little voice squealed. Returning his attention to the wrought-iron table, he saw Caroline's two-year-old daughter Emily jump from her chair. She ran toward him, launching herself into his arms.

He caught her, then twirled her like a top, laughing at her delight. "Ah, Miss Tickles, I've missed you," he said as he stopped.

She pressed a sweet, biscuity, giggly kiss to his cheek. "Again!"

Before he could oblige her, Austin and Elizabeth's son James attached himself to Robert's leg like a burr. "Me twirl," James demanded with all the authority of a three-year-old heir to a dukedom.

"Well, if it isn't Lord Mischief-Maker." He scooped up the boy, settling him on his other arm, then circled around with his passengers until they were all breathless. When he finally halted, the world still twirled around him.

James favored him with a lopsided grin. "Feel spinny."

"Me, too," Robert said with a laugh. "How about a biscuit, little man? I'm hungry after all that." He set the child down, and James immediately ran, rather unsteadily, toward the table.

Emily, still in his arms, placed her little hands, fingers splayed, on each side of his face, and turned his head toward her in order to ensure his full attention. Robert couldn't help but smile at the sprite. He made the funny face he knew she loved, then blew noisy kisses into her soft, sweet-smelling neck. She squealed with delight, grabbing two little fistfuls of his hair.

"Oh, you're the biscuit," he said, widening his eyes. "I'll just eat you all up!" He burrowed deeper into the crevice between her chin and shoulder, making exaggerated eating noises.

He lowered himself to his knees, and was immediately set upon by James, who, biscuit in hand, climbed on his back and commanded, "Horsey!" Pirate loped toward the trio, tail wagging, following the trail of sugary crumbs James left in his wake. He greeted Robert with a canine grin and a friendly swipe of his tongue across Robert's hand.

Laughing, Robert looked up, then stilled. Allie and Caroline were climbing the stone steps to the terrace. Caroline was chattering away, Allie nodding, one of her rare smiles curving her lips. His heart seemed to stall, then race ahead of itself. She looked flushed and happy, young and carefree… the girl from the sketch.

Everything around him seemed to fade away. Except her. And then she turned and looked at him.

Allie's footsteps faltered as she found herself looking directly into Robert's intent gaze. A little girl who looked like a miniature version of Caroline sat in the crook of his arm, her small hands wreaking havoc with his hair. Indeed, the child had raised two tufts of dark hair on his head that resembled devil's horns. A small boy who she knew had to be Elizabeth 's son hung on his back, demanding his attention, while a huge dog nudged his hand with its snout.

But his attention was completely focused on her. A frisson of awareness sizzled between them, frightening in its intensity. She pulled her gaze away, looking at the children clinging to him. They clearly adored him, and he them, a fact which brought a hard lump to her throat. This was a man who would someday make a wonderful father.

Caroline's voice sifted through her stupor, breaking the spell. "That little imp is my daughter Emily," she said with a smile. "And the other devil-the smaller devil, I should specify," she said, pointing to Robert and the boy, "is Elizabeth and Austin's son James."

"They're darling," Allie said. The dog suddenly raised its head to look at her, and Allie drew in a sharp breath.

"Don't be frightened," Caroline said as the huge beast trotted toward them, tongue lolling. "Pirate may be huge, but he is very gentle."

"I'm not afraid," Allie assured her. She patted Pirate's soft white fur, then gently ran her fingers around the dark brown patch surrounding his left eye-the only spot of color on his otherwise snowy coat. This was clearly the dog Robert referred to as Barking Horse. "Indeed, I feel as if I were greeting an old friend. He looks exactly like Patch, Elizabeth 's childhood pet. She left him with our family when she traveled to England. He was too old to make the journey." She scratched behind the dog's ears, and his tail thumped with pleasure. "We loved him dearly."

" Austin knew how much Elizabeth missed her dog, so he searched practically all of England to find one that looked just like her beloved Patch."

"He succeeded," Allie murmured, smiling as Pirate looked up at her with an adoring expression that clearly begged for more behind-the-ear scratching. A feeling she could not describe pulled at her insides at the knowledge that the duke had gone to such lengths to please Elizabeth. Allie well knew how difficult it had been for Elizabeth to leave Patch behind. She wouldn't have had to do so if not for me… if I hadn't made her leave.

"Well, I believe you've now met every member of the family," Caroline said.

"Not quite," came a deep voice from behind them.

They all turned. The duke stood by the French windows, his smile reflecting joy, relief, and weariness. "I've just come from Elizabeth 's chamber. There is now one more member of the family that you all will need to meet."

Chapter 14

After the dowager duchess, Caroline and her husband, and Robert had all visited Elizabeth and the newest member of the family, Allie stood in the doorway of the cozy, walnut-paneled bedchamber, fighting tears at the scene she beheld. Elizabeth sat in the bed, propped up by a mountain of fluffy, lace-edged pillows, the ivory coverlet tucked around her waist. She looked clean and fresh, all the outwardly visible signs of childbirth washed away. Her auburn hair was dressed in a simple braid, and while there was no denying she looked tired, there was a maternal glow about her that lent her an air of serene beauty. Dressed in an exquisite pale yellow bed gown, she smiled down at the tiny pink-blanketed bundle cradled in her arms. The duke sat on the edge of the bed, one strong arm wrapped around Elizabeth 's shoulders, their heads close together. The duke's gaze alternated between his wife and new daughter with naked adoration. He was clearly a man truly in love with both the women in his life.

The sun had long since set, the room's only light coming from the warming blaze in the hearth and the candelabra on the bedside table. The flickering glow lit the proud parents in a stunning, golden tableau of happiness that filled Allie with joy and envy at the same time, and made her feel like an intruder trespassing upon the intimate scene. Even though her friend had sent for her, Allie decided to leave and come back after the duke left. She started to back out of the room, but in that instant Elizabeth looked up.

The years melted away as their eyes met, and a kaleidoscope of images flitted through Allie's mind. She and Elizabeth as children, splashing at the lake. Laughing over a meal. Playing with Patch and Allie's unruly dogs. Taking their blankets and sleeping in the hayloft. Sharing secrets and dreams, laughter and tears. And the abrupt end of their friendship. Because of me.

She watched Elizabeth hand her precious bundle to her husband. Then, turning back to her, Elizabeth smiled. And held out her arms.

She supposed her feet must have moved, because the next thing she knew, she was leaning over the bed, hugging Elizabeth, both of them crying, then laughing, then crying some more.

Finally Allie leaned back and looked into smiling, tear-drenched eyes whose color matched her own. She could barely speak around the egg-sized lump that seemed wedged in her throat. " Elizabeth… it is so good to see you. I… I've missed you so."

Elizabeth 's smile could have illuminated the room. "I feel the same. I thought you would never arrive, and then when you finally did, I couldn't even receive you."

A trembling smile pulled at her lips. "Perfectly understandable. After all, babies tend to arrive when they wish to."