"Indeed they do. And now, I'd like you to meet our daughter… Lily."

"Named after your mother," Allie said softly. She moved to the other side of the bed, intending to simply peek into the fluffy pink blanket, but the duke handed her the bundle. Looking down, Allie's breath caught. A tiny angel with a perfect, bow-shaped mouth slept, her eyelashes forming miniature half-moons on plump cheeks. One minuscule hand lay fisted next to her downy face.

Being the oldest child, she was well used to babies, but it had been a number of years since she'd held one in her arms. A rush of warmth and love and longing filled her, and she bent her head to breathe in the one-of-a-kind scent that belonged to infants.

"Well, hello, Lily," she whispered. "I believe you are the most beautiful little lady I've ever seen." Allie touched her index finger to Lily's buttery soft hand. The tiny fingers flexed, then grabbed Allie's finger. Her heart turned over, melting. "Oh, and so strong you are. And so lucky. You have a wonderful Mama and Papa who love you very much." She raised her gaze to Elizabeth and the duke. "She's wonderful. I'm so happy for you both."

The duke stood. "Thank you. And now, if you'll excuse me, I'll give you ladies some privacy to chat. I believe I have a billiards game to win. But first, I'll escort my daughter to the nursery." He looked at his wife, and Allie could easily see he would have preferred not to leave her side. He squeezed Elizabeth 's hand, promising, "I'll be back soon." Allie handed Lily over to him, unable to suppress a tender smile at the contrasting, loving picture they made… the tall, broad-shouldered man cuddling the tiny pink bundle.

After the door closed behind him, Elizabeth patted the bed. "Sit beside me. We have so much to talk about."

Allie hesitated. "As much as I would enjoy that, you must be exhausted-"

"Tired, yes. But much too exhilarated to sleep just yet."

Allie sat on the edge of the bed, and for a full minute they simply looked at«each other. Finally Allie said, "Being a duchess clearly agrees with you."

Elizabeth leaned closer and confided, "Being a duchess is terrifying, but I'm adjusting. Caroline and my mother-in-law are very patient, as is Austin."

"I don't believe I've ever seen a prouder papa."

Elizabeth laughed. "I understand from Robert that Austin nearly wore a hole in the drawing-room carpet with his pacing."

At the mention of Robert's name, Allie felt heat creep up her neck. "He looked quite undone, yes." Then, before the conversation could wander down a path she did not wish to travel-especially before she said the things she wanted, needed to say-she drew a deep breath and said, " Elizabeth, I need to apologize to you… I don't even know how to express my sorrow."

"Allie, don't," Elizabeth said gently. "You apologized in your letters. I completely understand. You loved David. There is nothing to forgive."

She looked into Elizabeth 's eyes, so filled with compassion and understanding. Remorse and shame threatened to choke her and she pressed her hands together to stop their trembling. "Yes, there is. I treated you horribly, and you were right." A tear spilled from her eyes and dripped onto the ivory coverlet. "If only I'd listened to you… about David…"

Slowly, haltingly at first, but then gathering strength, the entire story of David's betrayal, her discovery of what he really was, and her efforts to correct his wrongs poured out of her. Elizabeth listened intently, saying nothing, yet offering sympathy and encouragement through her expressive eyes. When she finally finished, Allie released a long, weary sigh. Her face felt tight with dried tears, her body exhausted as if she'd run a mile. But her heart felt lighter-as if she'd shed a heavy weight.

"I know you accepted my apology through our correspondence, Elizabeth, but you deserve to hear the words from me in person. You were my closest friend, with only my best interests at heart." She shook her head and looked down. "I'm so ashamed that I failed to be the same to you."

"Allie, please. Listen to me. Look at me."

Allie raised her head and looked into Elizabeth 's eyes, which brimmed with compassion. "You've suffered through a horrible ordeal. Let's not compound it by dragging it on any longer. Our differences are in the past, and as far as I am concerned, all is forgiven and forgotten. What you need to do is forgive yourself. And allow yourself to forget." Her gaze wandered pointedly over Allie's black gown.

"But I don't want to forget," Allie said fiercely. "If I do, I stand in danger of making the same mistake again." She drew a deep breath. "Now that I've told you everything, I need to ask… how did you know about David, Elizabeth? You wrote that you would tell me when I visited you… and here I am."

Elizabeth regarded her through solemn eyes. "I'm afraid it's rather difficult to explain. And it might prove even harder for you to accept."

She reached out and gently touched Elizabeth 's sleeve. "I can accept the truth, Elizabeth, whatever it is. I’ve learned the hard way that it is lies and deceit that destroy… not honesty."

"I would not want to risk our friendship again."

Guilt struck her like a backhanded slap. "I doubted you once, Elizabeth. It is a mistake I will not repeat."

Elizabeth nodded, then drew what appeared to be a bracing breath. "Do you recall that sometimes I was rather… perceptive?"

"Rather perceptive?" In spite of her pensive mood, a smile tugged at Allie's lips. "I'll never forget when Jonathan and Joshua were born. You not only guessed Mama was going to have twin boys, but the day they'd arrive, and the exact time! And that instance where you knew that Katherine was going to fall from her horse. I realize you had an intuition about David, but-"

"It's more than simple intuition, Allie. I feel things. See things. In my mind. Future events and past events. I cannot explain it, but I swear to you, on my honor, it is true. I never told you-or anyone else-because the visions are erratic and infrequent. And I feared people would think I was insane." Her eyes grew sorrowful. "I knew David would hurt you. I didn't know how, but I knew he would. I could not discern what he'd done, but I knew he'd done bad things. That he was a liar."

Allie listened, absorbing the words. No doubt she should be shocked or skeptical about what Elizabeth had revealed, but somehow she was not. Indeed, so many extraordinary things had happened to her in the last few days, Elizabeth 's revelation seemed almost commonplace. She'd always known Elizabeth was keenly perceptive. Now she simply knew how keenly perceptive.

Elizabeth reached out and clasped her hands tightly between both her own. Nearly a minute of silence passed, then Elizabeth said gently, "Falling in love is not a mistake, Allie."

A short, bitter laugh pushed past Allie's lips. "I am living proof that it certainly can be."

Something in Elizabeth 's intent expression gave her the eerie sensation she was looking directly into her soul, and she suddenly feared what her friend might see there.

"You chose the wrong man, Allie. You wouldn't do so again."

"No, I would not. Because there will not be another man." An image of Robert's laughing face rose in her mind's eye, squeezing her insides. "Not ever."

"But you mustn't give up on love. That would be a terrible, sad mistake." She hesitated for several seconds, then asked, "I trust Robert has been a solicitous escort?"

The heat burning her cheeks flared into hellfires. "Yes."

Elizabeth looked directly into her eyes. "He is a very fine man."

Allie's mind raced. Did Elizabeth know what secrets Robert was keeping? I shouldn't care. His past is none of my concern. Still, she could not ignore the curiosity nudging her, and this could prove a perfect opportunity to find out. Adopting what she hoped was a noncommittal tone, she said, "A fine man, perhaps, but one with his share of secrets."

Elizabeth 's expression was impossible to read. "Yes, I've sensed as much. Has he spoken to you about them?"

So she was correct. There were secrets. She'd known as much, yet somehow, having Elizabeth confirm it came as a blow. "No, he has not."

"But you want to know what they are," Elizabeth said quietly.

"No. Yes." She shook her head. "I don't know. It doesn't matter what they are. The fact that he has secrets-just as David did-tells me all I need to know." She searched Elizabeth 's eyes. "Do you know what Robert is hiding?"

"I don't believe anyone knows the entire story except Robert, therefore it is up to him to tell you. I suggest you ask him." She squeezed Allie's hand tighter, and a troubled frown suddenly creased her forehead.

Something in her expression prompted Allie to ask, "Is something amiss?"

"I… I sense danger. Nothing specific, but I feel it." Her grip tightened further. "You must be careful, Allie. Promise me you won't go off alone. Promise me."

Concerned about her friend's unmistakable agitation, Allie patted her shoulder. "I promise I won't wander off, Elizabeth. Please do not worry."

"I've just checked on Lily," came the duke's deep voice from the doorway, "and she is still sleeping like an angel."

Allie gently extracted her hand from Elizabeth 's embrace, then eased off the bed. "Thank you for your understanding and forgiveness," she whispered.

Elizabeth looked at her with concern-filled eyes. "You have both. Always. And my love as well."

" 'Tis far more than I deserve, but I shall gratefully accept."

"You'll visit me tomorrow?"

"If you're feeling up to it, of course."

"And you'll remember your promise?"

"Yes." Leaning down, she touched her lips to Elizabeth 's forehead. "Good night." She bid good evening to the duke, then quit the room, closing the door with a quiet click.

Austin immediately strode across the room, grabbing up Elizabeth 's cold hands. Unease edged down his spine at her strained expression. "Something is wrong," he said. "Are you unwell?"

"No, I'm fine," she quickly assured him.

"But something is amiss." He peered at her face, and tensed. "You've had a vision."

She nodded slowly. "Yes. When I touched Allie's hand." She squeezed his hands, then gave him a searching look. "You know about the danger she and Robert have faced."

"Robert informed me, yes."

"You deliberately kept it from me."

"He only told me this afternoon, Elizabeth." He raised her hand to his lips and kissed her fingertips. "And you were a bit occupied."

"It's not over, Austin," she whispered. "I don't know how, but it's going to happen soon…"

He sat on the edge of the bed and grasped her shoulders. "What's going to happen? What did you see?"

She swallowed, her eyes stricken. "Death."

His heart seemed to stall. When he'd first met her, he'd doubted her bewildering ability to "see" past and future events-but no more. Her gift had saved not only his life, but William's and Claudine's and Josette's as well. Austin well knew the frightening word she'd just spoken would come to pass unless steps were taken to stop the events she had seen.

"Who is going to die?" he asked urgently.

"I don't know… it wasn't clear. But I sensed death. Very strongly."

"Did you tell Allie?"

"I told her about my visions, yes. Told her I felt danger. Warned her to be careful." She briefly closed her eyes, then shook her head, clearly frightened and frustrated. "There is a menace approaching… Its exact nature I can't determine. But it's moving closer. And I do know this"-reaching out, she grasped his upper arms-"Austin, Allie is in grave danger. And Robert as well."


Robert stood in the darkened drawing room, staring out the French windows. Clouds obscured the moon, and from the gusts of chill wind rattling the glass panes, he judged a storm most likely on its way. He swirled his brandy slowly in the snifter cupped in his hand, then tilted back his head and drained the potent liquor down his throat. The mantel clock chimed softly, proclaiming the hour. Two a.m. Way past time to retire, as everyone else had hours earlier. But sleep, he knew, would not come, and he could not bear the thought of lying in bed, aroused, thinking of her, lying in her own bed just two doors away. Best he stayed down here, at a safe distance. Closer to the brandy. In fact, another brandy sounded like a capital idea.

As he poured himself another fingerful, Austin 's voice rose from the shadowed doorway. "I'll have one as well, as long as you're pouring."