He paused in the center of the living room, noticing for the first time that a pounding beat came from the kitchen. He followed the loud music, not sure what it meant. As he rounded the corner, he saw Josie standing in the center of the kitchen. She was moving in time with the rock music, shifting her weight from hip to hip, singing along.



He couldn’t believe it. She wasn’t in her wheelchair and she didn’t look as if she’d just hopped up for the moment. There was a confidence in her movements, a sureness that indicated not only practice, but lack of pain. He remembered the doctor’s visit the week before. Had she been given the all-clear to walk? Why the hell hadn’t she told him?

Rage filled him. Once again Josie was playing him for a fool. All this time he’d been planning their future together while she’d been…been…Hell, he didn’t know what she’d been doing but it was wrong, damn her. This whole thing had been a game. She hadn’t changed at all.

He walked over to the radio. She still hadn’t seen him. With one violent movement, he turned the knob, shutting off the machine. There was instant silence.

Josie nearly stumbled in surprise. She spun to see what had happened and saw Del standing in the kitchen. He was glaring at her. Something dark and ugly tightened his face. If he’d been any other kind of man she might have worried for her physical safety. Obviously he’d figured out that she was back on her feet, and he wasn’t happy about the news. Or rather her silence on the subject.

She felt her legs start to give way. Sudden shock robbed her strength. She made it to one of the kitchen chairs and collapsed. Her chest felt tight, as if she couldn’t possibly draw in enough air. Passing out would be a nice touch, she thought, trying to find humor in the situation. Unfortunately Del would probably leave her gasping on the floor. Not that she could blame him. Annie May had warned her, but she hadn’t listened. She’d been a coward and now she was paying the price.

“I kept the truth from you before,” she said with a shrug. “One would think I would learn. But I haven’t. Not about this. The thing is, my motivation is the same. I was afraid.”

It was as if he hadn’t heard her. “How long?”

His voice was a low growl. She shivered, but not from pleasure. She understood what he was asking. How long had she been walking?

“Since my last doctor’s visit. She told me to start with a couple of hours a day and work up from there.”

“And you didn’t think I would be interested in that particular piece of information?”

Josie drew in a deep breath. This would be what Annie May liked to call a defining moment in one’s life. Fear or no fear, she was going to have to tell him the exact truth, regardless of the consequences. She didn’t want to. What if he rejected her? She knew that she would physically survive without Del, but her heart would be small and shattered. Like her legs, it would never fully recover.

What if she’d misunderstood what they were doing? What if-

She shook her head to clear out the doubt. It didn’t matter. She had to speak the truth from the very depths of her being and hope Del believed her.

Slowly she forced herself to her feet. She moved so that she was behind the chair and could press her hands on the back for support.

“I may not get much better than this,” she told him. “I’ll have two more surgeries in the next couple of years. They should help, but there’s a chance they won’t do more than eliminate some of the pain. I might get more mobile, but I might not.”

His dark eyes flashed with contempt. “What the hell does that have to do with anything?”

“I want you to be very clear on my condition.”

He started to dismiss her with a wave, but she stopped him.

“No,” she said forcefully. “Don’t brush me off. This is important.”

“What’s important is why you lied to me. I thought we were making a fresh start. I thought I mattered.”

“You do,” she said desperately. “Please, Del. Just listen. I’m not who I was three years ago. In some ways that’s good, but in others it’s not. I haven’t fully come to terms with my limitations. I don’t think you have, either.” She squared her shoulders. “The reason I didn’t tell you I was walking was because I didn’t want to leave your house. I thought if you knew I was better, you might ask me to go. I didn’t know if I would survive that.”

“Why would leaving matter?”

He sounded hostile and suspicious. Nothing about his expression told her what he was thinking. It was very possible she was about to make a huge fool of herself, but it was too late for her to stop now.

“I love you, Del. I have for a long time. Maybe I never stopped loving you. Three years ago I was an idiot who walked out on something wonderful. We’ve been over everything that went wrong between us and this isn’t the time to do that again. My point is, I’m sorry for my part in the failure of our marriage.”

She was shaking. She shuffled around the chair and sank onto the seat. He was silent, not helping her at all. Still, Josie was determined to get it all out.

“When that truck hit me, I had a couple of seconds before I blacked out. I knew it had been a bad accident, and I really thought I was going to die. I didn’t think about my family or my childhood. What I thought about was you. The loss of you and our marriage was my greatest regret. For the past year I’ve continued thinking about you. That’s why I came back. At first I thought it was for closure, but I quickly figured out that I returned because I’m still in love with you.”

He clenched his hands into fists. “I want to believe you,” he said desperately.

“Then do. I love you, Del. Worse, I need you. I can’t imagine a world without you. I don’t want to have to find out, either. I want us to have another chance. You are the best part of me. I need you to survive-not physically, but emotionally. The truth is I’ve always needed you. I just didn’t know it before.”

Something soft and wonderful flickered in his eyes. “We can’t go back to the way it was before. The old Josie and the old Del. It didn’t work.”

“I know. We’re both different people. It’s going to take some effort to avoid old patterns, but I think we’re doing really well so far.”

“Me, too.” He crouched next to her chair. “The new and improved Josie Scott is the most amazing woman I’ve ever known.”

Hope flared inside of her. “Really?”

“Yeah. All I ever wanted was for you to need me.”

“I do need you.”

He took her hand in his. “I love you, Josie.”

“Oh, Del.”

She threw herself at him. He caught her in his arms and held her close.

“I love you,” she whispered. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I was walking.”

“I know. I even understand. But no more secrets, okay?”


“So you want to get married again, or what.”

She straightened. He was smiling at her. “You’re proposing?”

“Absolutely. In fact let me do a better job of it.”

He shifted so that he was on one knee, then he pulled a ring box out of his pocket and held it out to her.

“I love you, Josie. I want us to start over, learning from the lessons of the past and this time getting it right. I would be very honored if you would agree to be my wife. Again.”

She laughed, then hiccupped on an unexpected sob. When he handed her the box, she opened it and stared down at the beautiful diamond ring.

“It’s different,” she said.

“I still have the old ones, but I thought we deserved something new. For our fresh start. So are you going to marry me?”

Josie hesitated. “I do love you, Del, but I need you to be very sure. I’ll never be the same. I have scars.”

“You and your scars. What you have, aside from an incredibly stubborn streak, is a man who loves you very much and is grateful to have you back in his life. He would also like you to accept his proposal because the ground is hurting his knee and he wants to take you to bed and make love with you.”

She threw her arms around him and laughed. “That was a lovely speech, and I would adore for you to take me to bed.”

He kissed her, then slid the ring on her finger. Even as she admired the glittering diamond, he gathered her in his arms and headed for the bedroom. As they entered the room, he murmured, “Say yes, Josie.”

“Oh, didn’t I accept?”

“Josie!” He growled low in his throat, but this time the tension came from passion, not anger.

“Not just yes, Del,” she said just before she kissed him. “But always.”


is the bestselling author of over thirty-five books for Silhouette. Always a fan of romance novels, Susan finds herself in the unique position of living out her own personal romantic fantasy with the new man in her life. Susan lives in Washington State with her handsome hero husband and her two adorable-but-not-bright cats.