Violet smoke, first little in color, and then growing darker, arose from the vial. The smoke began to take shape, and it was a beautiful woman with silver hair, and eyes like blue ice, very much like Golnar in appearance. "What is it, my daughter?" the woman said. Her voice was smoky, and yet pleasant.

"Haroun has disappeared!" Golnar cried. "And no one seems to care, mother. I think they will make Zuleika's new husband, Amir Khan, the sultan's heir. And the old man, dying but a few days ago, is suddenly restored to good health!"

Keket looked at her daughter irritably. "Of all my children," she said, "you seem to be the most hapless, Golnar. Why do you allow your humanity to overrule your mystical side? Even your father was not this unfortunate. I do not know what I shall do with you." Keket was a magical creature born of a fairy mother and a genie father. She had certain powers she used for her own amusement. "I allowed your human father to raise you. I saw that you caught Prince Haroun's eye. I taught you how to please him so mightily that you became his favorite. All that was required of you, Golnar, was that you give him a son. Now he has gone missing? Well, child, I do not know what else I can do for you, but tell me everything in detail, Golnar, not just what affects you and your comfort."

"Everything was going exactly as we planned," Golnar whined. "The princess had been given to Amir Khan, and devastated by her loss, the old sultan took to his deathbed. Learning of it, the princess returned to the city, dutiful daughter that she is," Golnar sneered, "to sit by her father's side. But when morning came the sultan had recovered his full health and strength, and Haroun was gone! Zuleika returned to the khan's encampment, and later she was escorted with much pomp back into the city with the khan. There were musicians, and even the sultan's war elephants all caparisoned in their green jeweled satin. The populace threw rose petals, and shouted the princess's name over and over again. I hate her!"

"Do not waste your energies hating, Golnar," her mother advised. "Concentrate upon your revenge. Now continue," Keket ordered.

"There is nothing more but what I have already told you, mother. The khan asked the sultan for Zuleika in marriage, and he asked for the vizier's daughter for his general."

"I thought the lady Bahira was to be Haroun's choice for a wife," Keket said. "What happened? I can see things have been going wrong for you from the beginning."

"When the khan first accepted Zuleika as his concubine, he also asked that his general be rewarded with the vizier's daughter, Bahira."

"How did he know of the lady Bahira?" Keket asked.

"I don't know!" Golnar whined impatiently. "He just did!"

"Hmmmm," Keket said thoughtfully. "Go on."

"So when the princess married Amir Khan today, Bahira was also wed to General Sabola. They are feasting in the sultan's banquet hall even now. Mother, there is absolutely no trace of Haroun. None! I know that the sultan will make Amir Khan his successor; and what is to happen to me then? The princess will be Dariyabar's sultana, and she will not want me about. What will become of me?" Golnar wailed.

"There is magic here," Keket said slowly. "Do you have something that belonged to Haroun, daughter?"

Golnar thought a moment, and then her eyes lit up. "Yes!" she cried. "He gave me this ring from his own finger last week." She held out her hand to display the large diamond.

Keket pulled the ring impatiently from the girl's hand, ignoring her squeal of protest. "Be silent now, and let me see what I can see." Keket looked deep into the ring, concentrating. An amused smile suddenly touched her full lips, and she began to chuckle.

"What is it?" Golnar demanded. "What do you see, Mother?"

"Someone has transported your lover to the kingdom of Kava, Golnar. It is a place where women rule. You will not see him again," Keket said. "Oh, my!" And she laughed aloud.

"Can you not bring him back?" Golnar demanded. "You have powers, mother. I want him back."

Keket looked up. "No one ever returns from Kava, Golnar, and whoever sent him there knew it. Obviously, the princess has very powerful friends. Here, look into the diamond, and see your prince."

Golnar stared hard, and then she saw Haroun. Fascinated, she watched as his bottom was whipped until it was pink and glowing. She gaped as he was then spread-eagled upon a block, and women, one after another, came to use his upstanding cock, some sucking on it, some mounting him and riding him until his mouth opened so wide Golnar could almost hear him scream. "What are they doing to him?" she gasped, looking to her mother.

"Obviously he is proving recalcitrant, daughter. He has been brought by his new mistress for public punishment at the palace of common pleasures. The women of Kava do not allow their men rebellion. Hopefully Haroun will learn obedience, for it is his only salvation. They will be more patient with him than others for he is so pretty, and his cock so randy. Eventually he will learn to be happy again, even if he does not rule in Dariyabar. And, you daughter, must now decide how to save yourself."

Golnar grew pale. "Tell me what to do, mother," she begged.

Keket smiled, and put a comforting arm about her daughter. "Do you know why I allowed your human father to have you, Golnar? Do you know why I saw to it that you caught Prince Haroun's eye? Do you know why I have advised you what to advise your prince?"

Golnar shook her head in the negative.

"I did it because I want to destroy Dariyabar," Keket replied.

"But why?" Golnar was very surprised.

"Long ago," Keket began, "there were two genies, brothers. They had the misfortune to fall in love with the same young girl. One, in an attempt to gain an advantage over the other, entrapped his brother in a bottle, and threw it into the sea. After some days the bottle washed up on this shore, and was found by an adventuring prince named Sinbad, who was in the process of building this city, and this kingdom. He released the genie from the bottle, and to revenge himself upon his brother, the genie showed Sinbad the beautiful girl. One look and the prince was in love. The genie brought this girl to the prince. She loved him, and so they were wed. The other genie, learning of this turn of fate, was about to revenge himself on them all when he discovered that his magic was gone. Stolen! Furious at losing the girl as well as his magic, he flew into a temper, and burst into a thousand pieces. He was my father, Golnar. All my siblings since have been told this story in order that one day our family might wreak their revenge upon Dariyabar. You, and your prince, were to be my tools," Keket said.

"What happened to the other genie?" Golnar asked. "The one that helped Sinbad?"

Keket shrugged. "It doesn't matter," she said.

"If you believe that magic was involved in what has happened, mother, could not your father's brother yet be involved in Dariyabar?" Golnar questioned. "What was his name?"

"Kansbar," Keket said, and her look was thoughtful. "Golnar, my daughter, you have never been particularly clever, but perhaps in your curious innocence you have discovered something. It would take a genie with truly great magic to protect Dariyabar, to transport your prince to Kava, and to strengthen the sultan's life force. Kansbar, if it is indeed him, would have that magic because he has his brother's magic as well. I cannot fight such powers. You must outwit this genie, whoever he is, if you are to help me destroy Dariyabar and avenge your grandfather. The sultan will die within the month. Even the most powerful necromancer cannot maintain a life that has come to its end."

"But then this Amir Khan will be sultan!" Golnar began to weep.

"You must seduce him!" her mother said. "And then you must seduce General Sabola as well. We will make certain that both men know that the other is using you. They are certain to quarrel, particularly if you tell each of them that the other forced you. These human warriors are so noble. With luck, Amir Khan and Sabola will kill each other. Without its sultan, Dariyabar is lost. They will not listen to a woman, and so the princess will have no influence. With no one to rule its empire, Dariyabar will collapse. It is a simple and foolproof plan," Keket concluded.

"But what of this other genie?" Golnar asked.

"The genie will have no interest in you, Golnar," her mother told her. "It will be over and done with by the time anyone realizes what is happening. Even the most powerful genie cannot bring a man back to life, my daughter. Dariyabar cannot do without its sultan, and there will be no sultan." Keket smiled, and arose from the chaise where she had been sprawled. "I must leave you, Golnar. Do as I have instructed you, and destroy Dariyabar for your family. You will be well rewarded for your success, I promise you, and you shall never have to worry about yourself again." Keket bent, and kissed her daughter upon her forehead. "Farewell, my dear. Call me if you need me." She began to dissolve into a deep purple smoke that grew paler and paler until what was left of it made its way back into the alabaster vial. When she was gone, Golnar corked the vial, and lay down upon her bed to consider what her mother had told her.

It was all well and good for Keket to say she would be the instrument of Dariyabar's downfall, but she had not her mother's magic, Golnar thought. All she had ever wanted was to be the mother of Dariyabar's next sultan so she might have power. Now she was expected to seduce the khan and his general, and bring Dariyabar to its destruction? And what of this genie that had all that power, and might very well be guarding the kingdom? Haroun was gone, and was unlikely to ever return. I need to think of myself, Golnar considered. I still might be the mother of the next sultan, if I can seduce Amir Khan into my bed.

It was a tempting thought, and a little smile played about Golnar's lush lips. I do not want to destroy Dariyabar. I want to rule it from behind the sultan's throne. Zuleika is beautiful, but I am just as beautiful. No man is ever completely content with just one woman. That is why princes and sultans have harems. Even my merchant father had a small harem.

I must bide my time, and make certain that I am not sent from the palace. Tomorrow, I will go to the sultan and beg his forgiveness for causing such a scene today. And I will beg the princess' forgiveness too. Her heart is good, for all she is fierce and proud. Haroun always said it was so. I wonder if the feasting is over yet? She went to her windows, drew back the curtains, and opened the latticed shutters. She could hear music from the banqueting hall. They were still celebrating. She wondered if the brides and their husbands were still in the hall, or if they had retired to their nuptial beds. Yes, tomorrow she must make amends for her hysterical outburst. Golnar lay down on her bed. She thought about Haroun being whipped, and the thought was satisfying. She wished it were she who might wield that whip.

In the morning, Golnar awoke to her bodyslave knocking upon her door. Irritated with herself for forgetting she had locked the portal, she arose and opened it.

"Ohh, mistress, I was so fearful for you!" her slavewoman cried, and kissed her hand.

"Not so fearful that you disappeared last evening," Golnar snapped. "Word of my removal from the sultan's hall of audience must have traveled even more swiftly than the wind, for when I returned to the harem there was no one in evidence. The place might well have been deserted! Fearing for my life, I locked myself in my bedchamber. Go to the baths, and tell them I am ready for my morning ablutions."

"Yes, mistress," the slave replied, and scurried off.

In the baths, the slaves were silent as Golnar entered. They tended to her efficiently, and without their usual chatter. Like the prince's favorite, they had no idea what would happen now that Haroun had disappeared and the princess had returned triumphant with her khan. They dared offend no one until it was decided what was to happen.

Golnar was silent also as she was bathed, massaged, and oiled. She had to consider carefully how to remain within the palace. She was not a slave, at least. Haroun had seen her, and admired her, and asked her father for her as his concubine. Her father could not refuse, and was encouraged by his favorite wife to see that Golnar was brought to the palace as if she were a bride. The women had never particularly liked Golnar, but becoming the prince's concubine could but bring honor and glory to her husband's family. Now with Haroun gone, there was no excuse for her to remain unless she was asked. To be returned to her father's house, even with honor, was unthinkable!