Golnar called for her women. She must be prepared, and perfect for the khan when he came to her bed this night. She laughed aloud to think of the proud princess of Dariyabar who would one day have to give way to Golnar's son, the heir to the kingdom of Dariyabar. Then Golnar thought of her mother, Keket, and how angry she would be to learn that her daughter had betrayed her. But she would tell her mother that it would be better to destroy Dariyabar through Golnar's son. Certainly her mother could relish the thought of her grandson working to ruin the kingdom founded by the evil genie, and Prince Sinbad. And perhaps before that happened, her mother would die. Genies and fairies did not live forever, although mortals believed that they did.

Golnar's women came, and she excitedly told them that the khan would come to her bed this night. She must be perfectly prepared. They immediately set to work to make her even more beautiful than she already was. She was bathed. All superfluous hair was removed from her body. Her toenails and her fingernails were pared, and filed smooth. She was massaged with thick scented cream so that her lush body was soft and perfumed. Her love sheath was readied, an elderly woman flushing it out with perfumed water, and massaging her genitals and vulva with sweet oil. Her long hair was washed, and brushed dry, and then rubbed with silk until it took on the shine and texture of the material. Her teeth were cleaned, and her breath made sweet. She ate nothing lest she stink from her food, drinking but sips of iced water.

And then a servant came to say that the lady Golnar was to be conveyed to another apartment where she would await her lord and master. Her servants were overcome with excitement. Golnar herself was almost weak with the anticipation. She was tempted to tell her mother, calling her forth from the flask, but she refrained. She would tell her afterwards that she had stolen the khan from his wife. She climbed into the litter that had been sent for her, and allowed herself to be conveyed to her destiny, smiling benignly at her women as she was taken away.

The chamber to which she was brought was large and square. It had pale pink marble walls and a colonnade of delicate carved columns that rose to a balcony enclosing the entire room. The top of each pillar was gilded where a sheaf of feathers had been carved. There was but one piece of furniture in the room. Set in its center was a cream-colored marble dais upon which rested a great square bed, with neither a head nor a foot. It was covered in black silk.

"You are to give me your robe, lady, and await your master there," the servant said, pointing.

At first she was loath to disrobe before a male servant who was not a eunuch, but then she remembered that the khan demanded immediate obedience to his will. This was his order, and she would not question it. She removed her single gauze garment, and handed it to the man. He bowed without looking at her, and departed the room. Golnar set about arranging herself in the most pleasing position that she could imagine, for first impressions were very important. She did not have long to wait. He entered almost immediately. He was naked, and he was magnificent.

He gazed at her, a slightly amused smile upon his lips, and then he said in a hard voice, "Prepare my cock for its entry, Golnar."

She arose from the bed in a graceful fashion, and knelt before him to take his manhood into her mouth. She began to suckle upon him. When he was finally hard she licked his great length, and her facile little tongue encircled the head of his lance, staring into its single eye. "You are ready, my lord," she finally said. She could hardly wait to have him pierce her and fill her sheath. She arose, and then fell back upon the bed, her legs spread wide for him.

Again the tiny amused smile touched his lips, but did she detect scorn? No! That was impossible. He covered her dainty body with his own big one, and began to ream her fiercely. She had expected a little more delicacy, but then he was a barbarian, and he was having a quite marvelous effect upon her. "The Gods! The Gods!" she half-screamed as the first wave of pleasure began to overcome her. And then suddenly her mouth was filled with another cock. She gulped, and gasped.

"Do not bite him, or I shall flay the skin from your pretty bones, Golnar," the khan warned her. "We barbarians enjoy sharing our women, as I know you have been told. Now suckle General Sabola as nicely as you did me, and he will fuck you as well. I could see that you were a woman who could use more than one sturdy cock, and tonight, my pet, you shall have a full hundred or more cocks fill this hot little maw of yours before the dawn tints the eastern skies."

She couldn't be hearing him aright, Golnar thought, and putting his words from her mind she concentrated upon tightening her vaginal muscles about his rampaging cock. He groaned, and she was pleased, but then he loosed his juices, and she was not ready. She cried out with her frustration, but the khan was rolling away from her, and his general was mounting her, thrusting and withdrawing, thrusting and withdrawing. She gasped with undisguised pleasure, realizing even as she did that with both men using her she would never know who her son's sire was, but suddenly Golnar didn't care, and then a third cock was being put into her mouth. She sucked eagerly upon it, her eyes going past the general's broad shoulder to the line of tall barbarians now entering the room.

They encircled the bed, and cheered their general onward. His passion peaked, and he leapt off Golnar, saying as he did so, "A bag of pearls to the first man who can make her come!" And the bed suddenly sagged with the weight of the men piling upon it, pulling Golnar this way and that in their quest to make her admit to her passion.

"Come, men," the khan called to them. "Take her in turn. Each of you has been well rewarded this night to follow in the path of not just a prince of Dariyabar, but in the path that Sabola and I have blazed for you. How many of you could have ever attained such noble cunt? Treat her well. I will not have her mistreated."

Now the barbarian soldiers grew more orderly, and once again lined up to take their turn with Golnar. They took her in every way that they could in the hours that followed. Some in an ordinary manner. And the first to breach her in a place that Golnar had never expected to entertain a manly cock elicited a shriek of surprise from her that caused those waiting their turn to laugh.

"She's a virgin here!" the young man with the slender manhood now well lodged in Golnar's bottom cried, delighted.

"Plug her well, lad, for others will surely follow you," one older soldier said, grinning.

And they did. Golnar could scarcely contain herself when she was taken at both ends by two young soldiers who first twisted her legs about and over their bodies, one fucking her hot cunt while the other took her bottom, his big hands squeezing her breasts as he grunted and thrust his manhood within her. Her lips became bruised with the kisses of her other lover. And her cries of delight echoed throughout the chamber as, one after another, the chosen soldiers of the khan took their pleasure with the lost prince of Dariyabar's favorite.

From the balcony above, Zuleika watched the erotic and compelling scene below her. Her violet eyes were alight with excitement, and her breath came in quick little pants. She had never considered watching as another woman was used by man after man. And particularly so many men.

"Are you enjoying the spectacle, my princess?" her husband asked, coming up behind her, pressing his big body against her as she leaned over the balustrade viewing the lustful activity below. His hands slipped around her to cup her breasts, and he tore away the slight fabric covering them, tweaking her nipples wickedly as he did so.

"It is thrilling," she admitted to him. "And Golnar seems none the worse for wear considering all the cocks that have so far probed her. Nor does she seem distressed by those to come." She ground her round buttocks into his groin teasingly.

The big hands squeezed her breasts, and he whispered in her ear, his breath hot and noisy, "You are going to be fucked, wife!"

"Am I?" she murmured back.

"Yes!" he groaned at her. His hands tore away the delicate fabric of her skirt. He bent her forward, and for a moment Zuleika thought that she would fall into the mass of soldiers below, but her husband's strong hands grasped her hips as he thrust eagerly into her womanly sheath, moving himself back and forth until their cries mingled with those of Golnar and her lovers.

It was the most exciting thing she had ever done. Her own sheath was well ploughed even as she watched Golnar receiving the very same treatment. When he finally withdrew from her, he was yet hard. He took her in his arms and pushed her up against the marble wall of the balcony, commanding her to put her legs about his waist as he once more thrust into the hot swamp of her sex, groaning and straining with his need for her. Finally he was satisfied, but Zuleika could no longer stand, so her husband carried her from the balcony above the carnal room below to their own chamber, where she fell into a deep sleep. When she awoke she wondered if it had been a dream, but the khan assured her that it was not. And there was no way that Golnar could claim any child conceived the previous night was that of Amir Khan. They might have remained abed but for the shrieks that suddenly erupted from the harem.

Suddenly, the sky over the city of Dariyabar grew black with storm clouds. Lightning flashed, and great peals of thunder erupted. The palace itself shook and the sea beneath it roiled, its waves crashing over the sea walls angrily.

"Get the bowl!" the khan called to his wife.

Zuleika climbed on still-shaky legs from their bed, and fetched the golden bowl, calling to Kansbar as she did. The genie appeared quickly, but not within his bowl, rather within the room, part of him outside in the garden. His face was grim. "What is happening?" Zuleika begged him. "It sounds like the furies have been loosed in the city."

"My niece has obviously learned of her defeat, and is not taking it well," the genie said. He suddenly shrank to mortal size. "Come! We must save the poor foolish Golnar from her wrath." He ran from the chamber with the princess and the khan behind him.

The women of the harem were cowering in a single corner of the apartment when they entered it. Kansbar went directly to Golnar's quarters, entering them, and saying as he did, "Keket, daughter of Ja'fa, cease your rage, I command you!"

Keket whirled about, her beautiful face dark with anger. "Who are you to dare to order me about?" she demanded to know of him.

"I am your uncle, Kansbar, the genie of Dariyabar," he told her. "Why have you sought to destroy this kingdom?"

"You have stolen my father's magic," Keket cried, "and by doing so you rendered him mortal, and he died long before his time. I have vowed to revenge myself upon your creation, this kingdom of Dariyabar! And so I would have, had it not been for this lustful creature I spawned from the seed of a mortal. Even you, uncle, must be disgusted by her overwhelming humanity!"

"I did not steal Ja'fa's magic, niece. The Great Genie took it from him as punishment for his crimes, which were many. It was not just his attempt at vengeance upon his brother, a fellow genie, but against many others in the world of magic. My brother was a wicked man, Keket."

"I do not believe you!" she cried.

"I see that, like your father, you believe only what you wish to believe. You must be punished for your destructive behavior. Your magic is taken from you at the order of the Great Genie, and the Fairy Queen. You are henceforth mortal. Treat your daughter well, and perhaps she will take you in in your old age, for you are, Keket, an old woman now," Kansbar said.

"Noooo," Keket shrieked as she saw the look of horror upon Golnar's beautiful face. She looked down and saw her hands had grown withered and spotted. "Noooo!" she cried again, and then to their surprise Keket swelled up and burst into a thousand tiny pieces that disintegrated as they exploded into the air.

"What has happened to my mother?" Golnar cried.

"Amazing!" Kansbar said with admiration. "Somehow she managed to destroy herself before all the magic drained from her soul. Can you but imagine what she might have accomplished if that force had been used for good? My poor niece." He shook his head. Then he turned to Golnar. "You are my brother's last descendant, Golnar, but you are more mortal than magic. You have conceived a child during your orgy last night, but it is neither the khan's nor his general's. It is the offspring of a common barbarian soldier. But because you are my brother's grandchild I will save you from your shame."