“Hi Evie, I am Dave. I am the manager of the workshop here at Webber HQ”.

“Nice to meet you”, I held out my hand and smiled at his decisive choice to ignore my lack of timekeeping skills.

“I will show you to your bench”. He walked me over to my working bench which sat between two other men.

“This is Martin” indicating to the older gentleman to my right. Shades of grey ran through his thick wiry hair.

Martin did not look up to acknowledge me. “Hello”, his voice was deep and raspy, his ignorance making a conscious decision to make me feel less than welcome.

“Hello Martin, very good to meet you”. I tried not to let his disposition deter me. This would have been the perfect time to think of a small witty response to lighten the mood, nope, nothing came to mind.

“This is Chris, He is my number two and will be here to help you getting into the swing of the working workshop”.

Chris looked over to me and gave me a welcoming smile, “Hi Evie, nice to meet you”.

“Likewise,” I returned feeling instantly more confident.

As I turned around I felt the air rush from my lungs. The hairs on the nape of my neck stood to attention leaving me breathless. There he was, my tall, dark stranger. His eyes looked instinctively into mine and the intensity increased. This feeling was inexplicable. I was speechless. He looked so calm and collected standing in the doorway of the workshop.

“Hello Evie, I am Henry Webber, a little late this morning are we?” His lips softened into a half smile.

I wanted the floor to swallow me up. I was mortified. I wanted to speak but my mouth just dropped open. My nerves resurfaced, making me fidget.

An agitated Karen nudged me. “Sorry, Mr. Webber, Everline really is a…”,

Henry mustled in, “It’s ok Karen,” a teasing smile crossed his face, “we have already met.”

I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks. I knew I was getting flustered and looking a shade closer to crimson every second I stood there. Sensing my embarrassment he pursed his lips as if he were going to say something. Karen was standing staring at us looking rather bemused. My heart was pounding.

“Enjoy your first day, Evie. I thought I would just drop by and introduce myself to the new Goldsmith.”

As he went to leave he paused after a step and turned to face Dave, “I need Evie to stop by my office at 9am.” His tone harsh and authoritative.

“Not a problem Mr. Webber, I will send her over.” Even Dave seemed intimidated by him.

I needed a second, I needed a minute, God I needed an hour. My legs felt so unsteady I leaned against the work bench to steady myself.

“What was that about?” Karen darted over at me.

“Um I just happened to get me heel stuck in the lift doors this morning, got pulled out by Mr. Webber and fell to the floor with him lying on top of me”.

Shock consumed Karen’s face. Her lips parted wanting to reply but she decided against it. I heard muffled laughter from Chris and Dave.

I put my bag on the coat hook and sunk into my softly cushioned black leather chair. It cocooned me. Thoughts flashed through my mind, falling…. his eyes… his body……… I gulped and wished for this day start over.

I began to go through my tools and placing them in order. I sat and pondered how this man, only five years my senior could be so successful. Henry was CEO of Webber Jewellers. A high end family jewellery chain that been passed down through the Webber family.

Although he had been fortunate to be born into this fortune his determination did not end there. He sourced new suppliers and new designers. He travelled all over the world to learn about his craft and ensure the company grew, which it had. Over the past three years it had grown from five small jewellery shops to having over three hundred boutiques worldwide. He campaigned tirelessly for the withdrawal of blood diamonds and wanted to make sure the materials his company used were ethically sourced and that the workers were paid a fair fee for their stones and metals. I admired him yet envied him. Wow, whatever I felt he was one hell of a man.

I glanced down at my silver Swatch watch, 8.54am.

Dave called over, “Better make a move Evie.”

I waited outside of Henry’s office. I was three minutes early so paced myself before entering. I closed my eyes. Willing for our encounter to be as painless as possible.

He grabbed me by my hips and lifted me up around his waist. My legs wrapped around his body instinctively. His lips kissed mine, parting them and pushing his tongue inside of my mouth, swirling, stroking and sucking. I murmured.

“Oh Evie”, he pulled back on my ponytail arching my back. He ran his hand from my neck across my breasts and stopped.

“Are you okay there Everline?” I opened my eyes, panting a little. Henry was standing in the doorway looking a little amused. Shit.

“I… I’m sorry. You said you wanted to see me?”

“Come in”. A small hint of a smile pulled at the outer corners of his flush full lips.

The large black phone perched on his desk began to ring. “I need to take this, is that ok?”

I shrugged, glancing around his office. It was larger than the entire workshop. Too large for one man. Mahogany and leather covered the majority of the surfaces. His office was masculine and formal. Cold.

“For fuck sake, you are fucking kidding me, how much?” He was seething into the end of the telephone receiver. God he looked so fuckable when he was angry. Stop thinking, stop thinking. I smiled over and went to leave when he raise a finger indicating for me to sit. I mulled over to the chair and sat down as smoothly as I could. I didn’t want to end up embarrassing myself, again.

“Tell them no. We will see then won’t we.” I jumped in reaction as the phone slammed against his desk.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to frighten you”,

I smiled softly.

“So how are you getting on? Did Dave give you everything you needed?”

“Yes thank you”

He leant his head to the side looking at me curiously. His gaze made me feel uneasy, it made me feel wanted. No I must be crazy, I work in the workshop, he is, well the one and only Henry Webber.

I am sure he looked at me with an enticing eye, I couldn’t help but wonder; wonder if he felt the spark just as I had this morning.

“What are you doing for lunch today Evie?”

“Oh um, I hadn’t quite thought about it yet.”

“Well as you have no plans, would you care to join me?”

This was surreal, surely I was dreaming again, no I must not read into this, he must be being polite, hospitable. I replied trying to not sound so eager, even though I wanted to scream yes at the top of my lungs.

“That would be lovely, thank you”.

“Perfect, 1pm suit you?” — I nodded.

“I should really get back to work now Mr. Webber”.

“Please, call me Henry”,

“I best get back to my work now, Henry. It is my first day as you know”.

“You do know I am your boss?” I wasn’t too pleased with his direct observation. Yes he was, but that seemed to somehow confirm how below him I was.

“So I will determine if you need to go back to work or not” he carried on.

“Of course, I just, just didn’t want Dave to feel I was not doing my job.”

“Do you have a boyfriend?” What? Curveball. Where the hell was he going with this?

“No, I don’t”. I smiled nervously.

“So you’re not fucking anyone then?” Did I hear him correctly? What an obnoxious ass. Why the hell was it any of his business? Well two can play at this game.

“I never said that”. His eyes widened. Blackening. This was exhilarating.

“So you are or you aren’t?” He edged towards me, stressing each word slowly yet forcefully.

“I may be”.

“Oh Evie. Don’t play games with me. I may just have to bend you over and fuck the truth from you”.

He was completely condescending, arrogant, yet blissfully intense. I should stand and walk away from this. The mass of danger wrapped inside of this beautiful man. But the penetrating gaze of his eyes drew me into the wanting and indecent desire I felt for Henry. Something about him captured me. My body and mind had never felt more liberated. His eyes were alight with passion. Irrational lust devoured my body. There was something gloriously erotic about his proposition, yet bitterly dangerous. I don’t know what came over me but my mouth started utter words that my mind had yet to comprehend their implications.

“Mr. Webber. I think perhaps you should sit down and calmly consider your sexual frustrations. If the idea of another man pushing my legs apart and slipping inside of my hot wet slit frustrates you then perhaps a more gentlemanly approach would have been required as opposed to your very adolescent proposition of bending me over and fucking me.” I said the words as confidently and seductively as I could.

He cowered over me. I stood to meet his gaze, not letting his gaze deter me. His face gaped in astonishment. I swear I heard him gasp.

“Good day Mr. Webber”. I smiled innocently and walked out of his office. Ha that will teach him.

* * *

Three years later and was I really contemplating putting an end to our relationship because of my messed up issues.

I wasn’t so sure anymore.

Chapter 2

Once Lucy had left I glanced down at my diamond set Omega. Shit, I cursed out loud. Shit, shit, shit, I’m going to be so late. I grabbed my black linen blazer in the hope it would smarted up my t-shirt and jeans. I used my fingers to manipulate the stray hairs into a pulled back pony tail. Slipping my feet into my favourite pair or black Manolo’s. They were sexy and sleek yet elegant. I took a one last glance in the mirror and it surprised me, I wasn’t sure who I saw in my own reflection. I walked out of Henry’s, correction — our, home I put the thoughts of my personal life away for the day. Although I had a nagging feeling this was not going to be the case as I did of course have to sit through a brunch with Vivienne. Urgh.

I walked into The Starlight and glanced around. The size and stature of this building had suddenly made me exceptionally nervous. My fingers began to entwine and fidget. My palms became clammy and it instantly felt rather warm in here. It was the most prestigious restaurant in Mayfair. I wasn’t used to the facade of wealth. People with money intimidated me and although I had been in contact with immense wealth for the past three years it had still not become any easier to slip into the lifestyle that Henry belonged to. I was an ordinary girl who grew up in a typical three bed semi on the outskirts of London. All of wealth that came with Henry made me anxious. I straightened out my blazer and held my head high. I will not be intimidated; I will not be intimidated, chanting my mantra repetitively.

I found myself stuttering some sort of apology to the concierge for being late; the petite woman glanced over to the small intimate table in front of the tall glass bay window which looked over the lawns to the back of the building. There must have been at least fifty tables, all covered in crisp white linen. Silverware polished to perfection. It put my cutlery to shame. I looked towards her and nodded as I acknowledged that Vivienne was already there.

I didn’t want to be here. It was a matter of obligation. Vivienne was the epitome of wealth and stature. She didn’t like me and had no qualms about making me damn well aware of this, belittling me at every given opportunity. Family events were like the pit of a hell hole for me. Choice vocabulary which would even put the dictionary to shame was the accustomed language at all of her events. I looked like an obviously foolish fish out of water barely registering any topic of conversation, let alone being able to converse in one. I only usually met Vivienne alone at her request. It tended to be when she wanted to inform me of something or complain about my behaviour. I would rather chew all of my nails off than be sat here with her, but Henry was our mutual respect, so this was all part of being with Henry, accepting his battleaxe, spinster mother.

“Hello Vivienne”, I smiled politely at her.

Her un-naturally bleached blonde hair had been curved around her overtly tanned face. Small golden glasses framed her green eyes, the only naturally beautiful feature left on her fabricated face. Vivienne was now quite literally glaring at me. Oh God what, what have I done.